Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Yorkshire Water is the statutory undertaker
who own the water main, ducting and drainage in the footway on Old
Mill Lane in Barnsley. To accommodate the works, the water main
requires diverting in the footpath and carriageway. Yorkshire Water
has provided a C4 detailed cost estimate and requires an order to
be raised for £613,334.58 prior to further discussing the
arrangements with the main contractor. This figure includes the
full 18% discount in accordance with the New Roads and Street Works
Act 1991, which outlines cost sharing for measures necessary where
apparatus is affected by highway works. Yorkshire Water will not
proceed with the works without an order raised for the estimated
An allowance for these works is included in the project cost plan
based on a budget estimate of £364,290.00, provided in
Yorkshire Water have confirmed that the reason for the large
increase is as a result of inflation and an increased extent of the
works following a full site survey.
This revised cost does not result in the current budget being
exceeded although it does put pressure on the risk/contingency
A copy of the revised detailed estimate from Yorkshire Water is
available upon request and it should be noted that the costs are
fully refundable, if for some reason the work not go ahead. The
costs are also adjustable and may reduce if the works prove to be
less extensive than originally proposed.
Yorkshire Water has stated that the works are non-contestable, and
as they are a sole supplier, it is not possible to look for an
alternative provider. Whilst being non-contestable, we strongly
believe that there are items in the quote that are not required,
e.g., traffic management, a site compound and storage and
therefore, we fully intend to ensure that the cost of these items
will be deducted from their final account.
Reject the quote. As Yorkshire Water are the
sole provider of these works, the scheme would have to be abandoned
as would be impossible to continue the project. This would also
result in considerable abortive costs.
Accept the quote. This will allow the project to proceed as
Publication date: 12/07/2024
Date of decision: 11/07/2024
Accompanying Documents: