Decision Maker: Executive Director of Policy and Strategic Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Allocate £50,000 to create a fund to
support the development and delivery of tree-planting projects in
South Yorkshire. 'A tree for everyone' aims to engage communities
in tree- planting, contributing to delivering the mayoral priority
to plant 1.4 million
To extend the contract of the agency with
which SYMCA has an existing contract.
Administering the scheme in house; going
through an external procurement process - only South Yorkshire's
Community Foundation (SYCF) were interested in quoting; extending
the contract of an agency with which SYMCA has an existing contract
(SYCF). SYCF would charge
the same administration fee.
Publication date: 22/01/2025
Date of decision: 23/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: