Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Between 2013 and 2015, embedded rail
replacement works were undertaken on the Supertram network. These
were carried out by Volker Rail to a design provided by South
Yorkshire Supertram Limited.
Following these works, significant lengths of polymer installed by
Volker next to the rails failed leading to polymer
In February 2024 SYMCA entered into a Term Service Contract with
Colas Rail Limited to undertake polymer replacement and concrete
track bed repairs (to deal with significant concrete defects at
sites identified for polymer replacement) on a call-off basis, via
discrete Task Orders. Colas’s tendered sum to undertake these
works for the first Task Order, which relates to a section of Park
Grange Road where the most significant polymer defects are located,
is £2,032,028.57. Approval of a figure of £2,194,590.85
(£2,032,028.57 plus 8% risk contingency) was granted at the
PTT meeting on 27/09/23.
The repair schedule on which Colas’s tender was based was
determined on the basis of a pre-tender survey carried out without
traffic management in place and whilst trams were running. These
constraints prevented a detailed close-quarters survey from being
carried out. Subsequent site surveys have identified significant
additional concrete repair work within the Park Grange Road site.
Specifically, a detailed survey was carried out by Colas and Mott
Macdonald, with traffic management in place, enabling defects to be
more accurately identified and recorded. The total revised
estimated cost of the works is £3,651,101.23.
The additional cost over and above the existing approved figure is
The additional defects identified in the concrete slab are all
considered to be significant and require prioritised repair. This
repair work is necessary to arrest further deterioration and
preserve the longevity of the track slab.
It is foreseeable that the defects in the concrete slab may cause
harm to road users, in particular cyclists and pedestrians. Having
a contractor mobilised for the type of works involved represents a
significant opportunity to mitigate this risk promptly.
SYMCA’s Rail Safety Officer advocates the inclusion of the
additional work in the current Task Order.
To instruct Colas Rail Limited to undertake
additional work on the South Yorkshire Supertram Embedded Rail
Repairs Contract, comprising additional repairs to the concrete
track slab identified in a site survey carried out post Contract
award, at a cost of £1,456,510.38 (including a 6% allowance
for risk).
The option of reducing the scope of works on a
prioritised basis to keep within the tendered sum has been
considered, but this option not recommended. The additional defects
identified in the concrete slab are all considered to be
significant and require prioritised repair. The cost of undertaking
the additional works as part of the current work package (Task
Order), whilst SYMCA have a contractor on site, will be less than
the cost of postponing the works for inclusion in a subsequent Task
Order due to inflation and the costs associated with
Publication date: 09/08/2024
Date of decision: 02/08/2024
Accompanying Documents: