Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
A one-off Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) of
up to £2.5m from treasury management windfall was established
by the Combined Authority in August 2023, to support innovative
transport projects in South Yorkshire.
TIF funding is intended to support innovative transport-related
proposals that demonstrate the potential in the future to offer a
more efficient means of supporting individual and community
mobility than the current approach. In discussions with Leaders,
there is a strong appetite to pilot trials of Demand Responsive
Transport (DRT) across the region to investigate whether this
offers a more cost effective way of serving areas that struggle to
maintain a timetabled bus service.
These proposals are to be delivered and evaluated by the end of
March 2025 and if successful, could offer an innovative way of
reducing pressure on the tendered services budget.
Therefore, in February 2024 the MCA board approved delegated
authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor
Coppard – in his position as the Portfolio lead for Transport
– for consideration of the Transport Innovation Fund pilot
schemes, and delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service in
consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter
into legal agreements for the schemes.
Option 1 – Approve the
1. Approve the recommendations
2. Reject some, or all, of the recommendations
Publication date: 10/01/2025
Date of decision: 10/01/2025
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