Venue: South Yorkshire MCA, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield, S1 2BQ
No. | Item |
Chair's Welcome and Apologies Minutes: The Executive Director of Transport assumed the Chair and welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were noted as above.
The Chair welcomed new Director of Bus Reform to the MCA and the Board. |
Minutes & actions of the previous meeting PDF 261 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16th July 2024 were confirmed as a true and accurate record.
An update was provided on the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), noting that an announcement may be included in the October financial statement from Government due on October 30th.
ACTION: The Democratic Services Officer to investigate whether Transport Focus information had been sent to the Mayor.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 16th July 2024 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and the BSIP update was noted. |
EP Forum Update Minutes: The Director of Public Transport Operations provided an update on the recent EP Forum meeting on behalf of the Chair.
The Forum had discussed:
ACTION: The Director of Public Transport Operations to share the report based on EP Forum member meeting regarding accessibility.
Operators discussed EV readiness, noting that they were confident about meeting new requirements, but that extra assurance would be provided to the Board when available was desirable.
ACTION: Operators to share updates on EV informally at the November EPB meeting.
A discussion was held about the effectiveness of service change consultations, and though there had been some successes in the recent service change consultation, but that greater marketing before consultations would be beneficial.
It was noted that the General Election pre-election period had impacted the consultation period.
ACTION: The Director of Bus Reform to circulate the draft timetable for public consultation on bus reform when available.
Difficulties with separate messaging from operators was discussed, along with the possibility of a centralised consultation hub on the Travel South Yorkshire (TSY) website.
RESOLVED that the update on the EP Forum be noted. |
Bus Operator Updates PDF 568 KB Minutes: The Director of Public Transport Operations introduced Bus Operator Updates, noting:
ACTION: The TM Travel Representative to meet with The Director of Public Transport Operations regarding tracking performance.
RESOLVED that the update was noted by the Board. |
Minutes: The First Representative updated the Board on the latest performance in South Yorkshire.
ACTION: The First Representative to split data into four districts for future reports.
It was noted that:
ACTION: The First Representative will break down patronage growth by Local Authority area for future reports.
ACTION: The First Representative to include more detail around the improvements made to “ghost buses” for the next meeting.
A discussion was had on improving integration between transport modes.
ACTION: The Director of Public Transport Operations to introduce the First Representative to relevant officers regarding integrating transport modes.
Members raised the issue of bus priority, which was a key commitment in the BSIP to address reliability and punctuality.
ACTION: The First Representative to highlight the top three issues and potential solutions in capital infrastructure projects for the November meeting. |
Stagecoach Minutes: The Stagecoach Representative updated the Board on the latest performance in South Yorkshire.
It was noted that:
[The Mayor joined the meeting and assumed the Chair]
The Chair inquired about the proportion of the electric fleet from Chesterfield depot coming to South Yorkshire. The Stagecoach Representative confirmed that out of the 57 vehicles, more than 25 would operate on cross-boundary routes, mainly to and from Sheffield.
There was a discussion on punctuality figures were questioned as previous SYMCA slides reported figures in the 70% range and operators had reported figures in mid-80% range. It was explained that these discrepancies could arise from differing interpretations of the data, with operators possibly focusing on different metrics.
ACTION: Operators to meet with the Director of Public Transport Operations to cross-reference data and ensure accuracy. |
TM Travel & Other Smaller Operators PDF 533 KB Minutes: The TM Travel Representative updated the Board on the latest performance in South Yorkshire.
It was noted that:
The Chair commented on the rise in patronage and the reduction in mileage, and questioned whether the fix was as simple as increasing bus availability to gain users. The TM Representative agreed, noting that tweaks could help identify unmet latent demand as more reliable services tended to attract more passengers.
A discussion was held on the causes of better performance data, despite decreases in mileage, such as changes in fares and route changes.
RESOLVED: that the Board noted the updates from operators. |
Items of Confidentiality Minutes: None. |
Minutes: RESOLVED: that the Board noted the upcoming relevant information on the work plan. |
KPMG Economics of Coach Report PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) Representative presented an item on the Economics of Coach Report, noting:
ACTION: The Democratic Services Officer to circulate the KPMG Economics of Coach CPT slides to all members.
Members inquired about South Yorkshire's performance compared to Manchester and other regions. The CPT Representative outlined that South Yorkshire performance was lower than these regions.
A discussion was held around presentation of these results to Government, noting that engagement was being undertaken with the Department for Transport on matters such as the Better Buses Bill and the national fare cap.
ACTION: The CPT Representative to clarify the impact on road space, which could support arguments for bus priority on roads.
RESOLVED: that the Board noted the contents of the report. |
Dementia Friendly Transport PDF 579 KB Minutes: The Director of Public Transport Operations presented a paper originating from Sheffield City Council’s (SCC) ongoing work on Dementia Friendly Transport.
SCC aimed to engage with operators to understand current practices and highlight important research in this area. The focus was on designing systems and services that allow people with dementia to maintain independence for as long as possible.
The paper highlighted several existing practices, such as minimum service and awareness training for contact centre and bus staff and sought further support to develop additional practices. Consistent driver training and the involvement of all frontline teams were seen as essential.
The Director of Public Transport Operations stressed that while the immediate focus was on dementia, it was crucial to consider accessibility for all health conditions. The approach should also be extended across South Yorkshire, and potentially throughout a franchised network, if bus reform progressed.
ACTION: Operators to arrange a meeting with the Director of Public Transport Operations to agree a coordinated standard of driver and customer-service training, and to collaborate on vehicle standards.
RESOLVED: that the Board supported the contents of the paper. |
Updated EP Board Terms of Reference PDF 534 KB Minutes: The Director of Public Transport Operations outlined a few small changes to the Board’s Terms of Reference to align them with other Boards and Committees ran by the MCA. There have also been adjustments to paper deadlines and publication dates to allow time for work to be produced.
RESOLVED: that the Board noted and approved the relevant information in the update. |
Any Other Business Minutes: The Executive Director of Transport provided an update on the Clean Air Zone, noting some improvements in high-emission areas but highlighting ongoing issues at locations such as Arundel Gate. She mentioned working with Sheffield Council on the possibility of retrofitting buses to electric vehicles.
A discussion was held on possible collaboration between operators on electric vehicle roll out, such as the possibility of co-investing in fleet upgrades.
The CPT Representative raised concerns about small operator protection, referencing Greater Manchester, where only one smaller operator had secured a contract. He emphasised that as bus reforms progressed, ensuring proportional support for operators of all sizes was crucial. The Board acknowledged these concerns.
Members thanked the Director of Public Transport Operations for his hard work, as it was his last meeting before leaving SYMCA in October. |