Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Mayoral Combined Authority Board - Tuesday, 12th November, 2024 1.00 pm

Venue: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ


No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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The Chair welcomed Leaders and apologies were noted as above.



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The Mayor announced that a bus franchising consultation had been launched; 753 responses had been received within the first 24 hours, and 2,878 total so far. An extensive marketing campaign was being undertaken to reach all of South Yorkshire and encourage participation in the consultation.


He noted that he had convened a second meeting with South Yorkshire Faith and Community Leaders, following disorder over the summer, and thanked the work of the criminal justice agencies on this.

The Mayor had been joined by the by the Minister for Sport, Media, Civil Society and Youth in hosting a civic reception to celebrate South Yorkshire’s

sporting success, following the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, and Berlin Special Olympic games.


The Mayor had attended an event at the Olympic Legacy Park and relaunched the Free Trees for Communities scheme. 17 trees were planted to celebrate the success of South Yorkshire’s athletes. Paralympian Krysten Coombs, Olympian Yasmin Harper, and Don Valley Oasis Academy pupils attended.


The brand new WorkWell service, in partnership with the Department of Work and Pensions and South Yorkshire Housing Association, had been launched by the Mayor. The scheme offered free support to those with health conditions or disabilities to find and succeed in work.


Finally, the Mayor highlighted the BBC’s announcement of £100k contribution to South Yorkshire’s apprenticeship levy, to fund apprenticeships for those who want to work in the creative and digital industries


Urgent Items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated.

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Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.  (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.)

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Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda

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Reports from and questions by members

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Receipt of Petitions

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Public Questions

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Minutes of the meeting held on 8th October pdf icon PDF 496 KB

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RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a true and accurate record.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 8th October 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record.


Government Autumn Budget Implications pdf icon PDF 128 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board:

1.     Note the key funding decisions set out in the Chancellor’s 30th October Budget and consider the implications of those funding decisions as they relate to the MCAs ability to deliver on our agreed objectives.

2.     Note the Government’s commitment for South Yorkshire to be one of six MCAs to have an Integrated Settlement deal in place from 26/27 onwards.


A report on the Autumn Budget was presented, which noted:

·         This was a one-year bridging budget, with a multi-year Spending Review to be concluded by Spring 2025.

·         The MCA would receive an integrated settlement from 2026/27 onwards.

·         Various funding schemes nationally had been confirmed, though some had received cuts.

·         The Mineworks Pension would receive £1.5bn with immediate effect and mineworkers’ pensions would be increased by 32%.


The Mayor stated that there was significant good news for South Yorkshire arising from the Budget and welcomed the Mineworkers Pension uplift, highlighting that up to 18,000 people in the region would benefit.


Leaders suggested that the Board consider the Budget in more detail in the New Year.


RESOLVED That the Board:

1.    Note the key funding decisions set out in the Chancellor’s 30th October Budget and consider the implications of those funding decisions as they relate to the MCAs ability to deliver on our agreed objectives.

Note the Government’s commitment for South Yorkshire to be one of six MCAs to have an Integrated Settlement deal in place from 26/27 onwards.


South Yorkshire Airport City Full Business Case pdf icon PDF 193 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board:


1.     Note the significant strategic and economic opportunity offered by the SYAC proposal.

2.     Approve the award to CDC of additional development funding of up to £3m from existing earmarked resource to progress time critical reinstatement activity and to continue commercial negotiations.

3.     Endorse the submission by CDC to the Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) of a referral noting the potential need for public subsidy of c. £105m.

4.     Note the intent of CDC to continue commercial negotiation with the aim of bringing a final report to the Board following the conclusion of that negotiation and the receipt of advice from the Subsidy Advice Unit in January 2025



A report on South Yorkshire Airport City was presented, which noted that:

·         Since 2022, the MCA and City of Doncaster Council (CDC) had worked to reestablish aviation at Doncaster Sheffield Airport.

·         A preferred bidder had been identified to operate the airport.

·         The airport would create significant growth in the region, but the risks involved in re opening were acknowledged.

·         CDC would be required to refer the business case to the Subsidiary Advice Unit to address the public subsidy matter.


Leaders and the Mayor voiced their support for the progress made, however emphasised the need for due process to follow in the ongoing evaluation of the commercials.


RESOLVED That the Board:

1.    Note the significant strategic and economic opportunity offered by the SYAC proposal.

2.    Approve the award to CDC of additional development funding of up to £3m from existing earmarked resource to progress time critical reinstatement activity and to continue commercial negotiations.

3.    Endorse the submission by CDC to the Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) of a referral noting the potential need for public subsidy of c. £105m.

Note the intent of CDC to continue commercial negotiation with the aim of bringing a final report to the Board following the conclusion of that negotiation and the receipt of advice from the Subsidy Advice Unit in January 2025


Bi-Annual Growth Update pdf icon PDF 122 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board:

1.     Note the ongoing activity to support growth in the region.



The Bi-Annual Growth Update was presented.


The economic and fiscal position of the region had seen little change since March; however, it was noted that:

·         The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was forecasted to temporarily increase, and inflation had fallen back to the 2% target.

·         Unemployment in South Yorkshire was at a historical low of 3.5%.

·         South Yorkshire’s biggest issue was economic inactivity, often caused by long-term sickness.


Officers also stated that Shared Prosperity Fund funding had been confirmed for an additional year but at a decreased rate.


RESOLVED That the Board:

Note the ongoing activity to support growth in the region.


Strategic Place Partnership Business Plan (with Homes England) pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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RESOLVED That Board:

1.     Welcome the establishment of the South Yorkshire Strategic Place Partnership and the progress made on developing a regional housing pipeline.

2.     Endorse the Strategic Place Partnership Business Plan.



A reporton theStrategic PlacePartnership (SPP)was presented.


TheSPP Boardhad metfor thefirst timein September2024 todiscuss the business plan and identified 3 key objectives which were:

1.   Arobust housingscheme pipeline,developing upto 32,000homes.

2.   Increasingaffordable housing.

3.    Deliveringarea-based transformation.

Leaders welcomed the plan and the strong partnership with Homes England, andthe Mayor both thanked the outgoing Chair and Chief Executive of Homes England andcongratulated thenew interim ChiefExecutive ontheir appointment.


RESOLVED That Board:

1.    Welcome the establishment of the South Yorkshire Strategic Place Partnership and the progress made on developing a regional housing pipeline.

Endorse the Strategic Place Partnership Business Plan.


Fare Cap Strategy pdf icon PDF 119 KB

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RESOLVED That Board:

1.     Agree to extending the current tram £2.80 long distance single fare cap until the end of December 2024 to align with the current end date of the £2 bus fare cap at a cost of around £35k.



A reporton FareCap Strategywas presented,recommending thatthe current tram fare cap should be retained until December.


Itwas highlightedthat TheDepartment forTransport hadannounced an increased bus fare cap of £3.


Leaderscommented thatfare capshad beenvery usefulbut highlighteddeeper issues with transport services for the public in South Yorkshire and thata lackof BusService ImprovementPlan (BSIP)funding had been a contributing factor. It was noted that further BSIP funding would be received in the future.


RESOLVED That Board:

Agree to extending the current tram £2.80 long distance single fare cap until the end of December 2024 to align with the current end date of the £2 bus fare cap at a cost of around £35k.


Quarterly Budget Revision 2 and Treasury Management Update Report pdf icon PDF 120 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board:

1.     Approve the revised budget estimates for financial year 2024/25.

2.     Approve the transfers to reserves.



The Quarterly and Treasury Management reports were presented.


It was noted that:

·         The capital programme and revenue budget were largely on track.

·         There were ongoing issues on national concessionary rates for transport.

·         The tram had performed better than forecasted in income generation. 


It was confirmed that any investment decisions on the use of reserves would be presented to MCA Board for approval.


RESOLVED That the Board:

1.    Approve the revised budget estimates for financial year 2024/25.

Approve the transfers to reserves.


Audited 2022/23 Statement of Accounts pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board:

1.     Grant delegated authority to the Mayor and the Executive Director Resources and Investment to finalise and approve the 2022/23 accounts of both SYMCA and SYPTE once both sets of accounts have been subject to final consideration by ASRC and the audit has been concluded.



A report on the 2022/23 Audited Statement of Accounts was presented.


The report sought delegation of the final approval of the Accounts to the Mayor and the Executive Director Resources, in consultation with the Audit Standards and Risk Committee, due to a backlog in the external audit market.


RESOLVED That the Board:

Grant delegated authority to the Mayor and the Executive Director Resources and Investment to finalise and approve the 2022/23 accounts of both SYMCA and SYPTE once both sets of accounts have been subject to final consideration by ASRC and the audit has been concluded.


Gateway Review pdf icon PDF 134 KB

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RESOLVED That the MCA Board:

1.     Notes the feedback received from the national evaluators of the Gateway Review.

2.     Considers how the findings and recommendations from the Final Evaluation should be implemented in preparation for the next phase of devolution.


A report on the Gateway Review was presented.


A Government contracted evaluationPanel hadprovided theirfindings andrecommendations onthe Gateway Review process, and recognised the progress made by the MCA.


TheMayor andthe ExecutiveDirector forResources andInvestment commended officers for their work on the Gateway Review.


RESOLVED That the Board:

1.    Notes the feedback received from the national evaluators of the Gateway Review.

Considers how the findings and recommendations from the Final Evaluation should be implemented in preparation for the next phase of devolution.


Programme Approvals pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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RESOLVED that the Board approves:

1.    Progression of “Town Centre to Oakwell Active Travel Scheme to full approval and award of £2m grant to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary A;

2.    Progression of “Air – Gateway East” to full approval and award of £0.27m grant to Fenwood Estates, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B;

3.    Progression of “City Centre to Attercliffe and Darnall” to post Outline Business Case (OBC) in principle award for up to £23.86m grant to Sheffield City Council, subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary C;

4.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of the following:

a.    Progression of “Rotherham Priority Housing Sites” to OBC in principle approval and award of £1.65m grant to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council as detailed in section 1.6.

b.    Progression of “Manchester Road Community Hub project and Manchester Road Placemaking project (Stocksbridge Towns Fund Programme)” to OBC in principle approval and award of £3m to Sheffield City Council as detailed in section 1.7.

c.     Progression of “Sheffield City Council Stock Increase Programme - Newstead General Needs” to full approval and award of £1.31m to Sheffield City Council, as detailed in section 1.8.

5.    Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Growth Business and Skills, in consultation with the Portfolio Leads for Education, Training and Skills, the Section 73 and Monitoring Officers for:

a.    Acceptance of £0.23m grant from The Department of Work and Pensions for the “Care Advocates” programme and approve the distribution of the grant to the South Yorkshire Local Authorities, and to enter into legal agreements for the scheme as detailed in section 1.9.

6.    Acceptance of £0.06m grant award from Tees Valley Combined Authority for “Local Capacity Support Grant for the North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub” detailed in section 1.10

7.    Progression of change request detailed in section 1.11

8.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above.


A Programme Approvals report was presented to the board.


Leaders commented on the importance of the approvals for increased growth and renewal in the region.


RESOLVED that the Board approves:

1.    Progression of “Town Centre to Oakwell Active Travel Schemeto full approval and award of £2m grant to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary A;

2.    Progression of “Air – Gateway East” to full approval and award of £0.27m grant to Fenwood Estates, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B;

3.    Progression of “City Centre to Attercliffe and Darnall” to post Outline Business Case (OBC) in principle award for up to £23.86m grant to Sheffield City Council, subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary C;

4.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of the following:

a.    Progression of “Rotherham Priority Housing Sites” to OBC in principle approval and award of £1.65m grant to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council as detailed in section 1.6.

b.    Progression of “Manchester Road Community Hub project and Manchester Road Placemaking project (Stocksbridge Towns Fund Programme)” to OBC in principle approval and award of £3m to Sheffield City Council as detailed in section 1.7.

c.    Progression of “Sheffield City Council Stock Increase Programme - Newstead General Needs” to full approval and award of £1.31m to Sheffield City Council, as detailed in section 1.8.

5.    Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Growth Business and Skills, in consultation with the Portfolio Leads for Education, Training and Skills, the Section 73 and Monitoring Officers for:

a.    Acceptance of £0.23m grant from The Department of Work and Pensions for the “Care Advocates” programme and approve the distribution of the grant to the South Yorkshire Local Authorities, and to enter into legal agreements for the scheme as detailed in section 1.9.

6.    Acceptance of £0.06m grant award from Tees Valley Combined Authority for “Local Capacity Support Grant for the North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub” detailed in section 1.10

7.    Progression of change request detailed in section 1.11

Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above.


Delegated Authority Report pdf icon PDF 87 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board note the decisions and delegations made.


The Delegated Authority Report was presented.


RESOLVED That the Board note the decisions and delegations made.