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Decisions published

18/11/2024 - Wave 5 Skills Bootcamps - Mini Competitions ref: 637    Recommendations Approved

In December 2023, the DfE notified SYMCA that we were successful in our bid for £3m, to deliver Wave 5 Skills Bootcamps, from April 2024 until September 2025. Grant was accepted in December 2023 following delegated authority granted by the MCA Board in November 2023.

An open, competitive, procurement process has recently completed, following which, we awarded 18 call off contracts to 15 Learning Organisations, across 5 Lots, per the Appendix A attached.

Not all contracts awarded were entered into for full award amount, therefore a mini-competition was undertaken to award new call off contracts within the overall budget.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Growth, Business and Skills

Decision published: 26/11/2024

Effective from: 18/11/2024


Award of 2 Call-off Contracts to 2 Learning Organisations totalling £143,640 as set out in amended Appendix A, under delegated authority to the Director of Skills.

Lead officer: Fliss Miller