Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Combined Authority.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by officers with authority to take delegated decisions for the Combined Authority.
Title | Date | Effective from | Call-ins |
Appointment of an Interim Director of Policing & Reform ref: 623 | 16/09/2024 | 16/09/2024 | Not for call-in |
Reallocation of 2022/23 – 2024/25 project underspend of £148,593, alongside an additional £28,665, to the South Yorkshire Digital Infrastructure Team project to extend funding for 2025/26. ref: 622 | 30/10/2024 | 30/10/2024 | Not for call-in |
Progression of CRSTS20/29 Doncaster East Sustainable Transport Improvements and release of development funding of £1.68m to City of Doncaster Council ref: 621 | 29/10/2024 | 29/10/2024 | Not for call-in |
Approval of development funding of £280,000 development funding to Right Way Forward, and Westfield Health (as guarantor), for the development of the Sport Legacy Institute scheme ref: 620 | 29/10/2024 | 29/10/2024 | Not for call-in |
Approval For Gas Supply Contract ref: 619 | 23/10/2024 | 23/10/2024 | Not for call-in |