
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Combined Authority.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by officers with authority to take delegated decisions for the Combined Authority.

Decisions published

05/02/2025 - Website Redevelopment Discovery ref: 678    Recommendations Approved

To enhance user experience, improve accessibility, and align with strategic objectives, a comprehensive redevelopment of the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) and Travel South Yorkshire websites is being undertaken.

The scope of this redevelopment includes consolidating content from multiple websites into a unified and cohesive platform. The sites to be consolidated include:
• South Yorkshire Invest
• South Yorkshire Business
• South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership

An experienced digital agency with extensive expertise in developing Kentico websites is required to conduct a thorough discovery phase. This phase will guide the direction of the project, ensuring that the final solution effectively and sustainably meets the needs of all users.

Following the evaluation process, Spindogs was identified as the preferred supplier. Clarification questions were issued to confirm their suitability and address any concerns raised. The responses provided were thorough and demonstrated their capability to deliver the project as required. As a result, the evaluation panel agreed to award the contract to Spindogs.

The discovery phase is expected to take four months to complete at a cost of £71,750.00.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 07/02/2025

Effective from: 05/02/2025


That the contract award to the web agency Spindogs is approved to the value of £71,750.00.

Lead officer: Nick Brailsford

05/02/2025 - Thorne North Station Accessibility Improvements: Increase in the original appointment of Northern Trains Ltd to assist the MCA with scheme development and production of the OBC. ref: 677    Recommendations Approved

In March 2023 approval was granted to appoint Northern Trains Ltd [NTL] for the supply of support services to assist the MCA with the planning, design and securing funding for station improvements at Thorne North rail station (equivalent to ES4 Approval in Principle) in the sum of £204,684.

[The appointment was formalised with the signing of a Funding Agreement with NTL which also included proposed station improvements at Penistone and Conisbrough]

The Funding Agreement included a sum for NTL to contract with Network Rail’s Asset Protection (ASPRO) Team for the provision of engineering assurance support. At the time the Agreement was signed an accurate estimate was not available and an allowance of £20,226 was agreed. Updated estimated have now been provide by Network Rail and the estimated cost for ASPRO services has risen to £72,789, an increase of £53,513

The ASPRO services agreement with NTL is cost reimbursable so there could be potential savings, which will be passed back to the MCA.

As a result of the above, approval is now requested to increase the original appointment of NTL for Thorne North from £204,684 to £258,197.

There are no budget implications as a result of this approval since the increase in cost can be accommodated within the current CRSTS Grant Award for this stage of the project.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 05/02/2025

Effective from: 05/02/2025


Approval of the increase in the appointment of Northern Trains Ltd [NTL] for the supply of support services to assist the MCA with the planning, design and securing funding for station improvements at Thorne North station.

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

28/01/2025 - Code IT Recruitment ref: 676    Recommendations Approved

To support the continued development and enhancement of the journey planning tools in the Travel South Yorkshire Mobile App and on the Travel South Yorkshire journey planner website (, a contract is being awarded to Code IT Recruitment through the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM 6277 (Non Clinical Staffing Framework).
These journey-planning tools are essential for improving accessibility, providing users with accurate and up-to-date journey-planning information, and contributing to the organisation’s commitment to enhancing public transport services. The new contract will enable further enhancements to the app, ensuring it remains responsive to user needs, integrates seamlessly with other systems, and delivers a high-quality, inclusive user experience.
The contract will run for an 18-month term, with a total value of £114,000.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 05/02/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


Approval to award the contract to Code IT Recruitment for an 18-month term with a total contract value of £114,000.

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

22/01/2025 - Contract award for System Change in Health Support ref: 675    Recommendations Approved

Contract award following procurement.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Growth, Business and Skills

Decision published: 31/01/2025

Effective from: 22/01/2025


Award of contract to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for £149,420.00 to deliver System Change in Health Support.
Contract to be award following mini competition via Crown Commercial Services RM6187 Management Consultancy Framework Three (MCF3), Lot 7: Health, Social Care and Community

Lead officer: Fliss Miller

30/01/2025 - Magna Tram Train Stop – Increase in the original approval for the appointment of Network Rail for the Delivery Phase of the project ref: 674    Recommendations Approved

After many months of delay, due mainly to obtaining the necessary rail industry consents for the works, this project has now reached the Delivery Phase and final approval is now sought to appoint Network Rail (NWR) to undertake construction of the new Tram Train station at Magna. The appointment of NWR will be formalised with the signing of an Implementation Agreement (IA) between SYMCA and NWR setting out the costs and timescales for delivery and T&C’s of the appointment.

In February 2024 approval was granted to progress the project to Implementation including the appointment of NWR for the Delivery Phase to a budget ceiling of £6,859,649 [publicised as a Key Decision]. Due to a number of reasons including confirmation on the T&C’s of the IA, specifically in relation to the proposed lease of the new station and delays associated with obtaining the necessary railway consents required to implement the station the IA remains unsigned. However, all outstanding issues have now been resolved and a revised draft IA has been agreed in principle between NWR and SYMCA that is ready for signature.

Unfortunately, with the passage of time costs have increased and NWR’s estimated costs for the Delivery Phase have since risen to £7,074,541 an increase of £214,892.

The increase in estimated Network Rail costs can be attributed to:

• Increase in AMCO (Principal Works Contractor) contract price, driven by inflation.
• Increase in design costs for design management and temporary works.
• The increased AMCO price has in turn increased the values for the Network Rail and Industry Risk fees as these are calculated using a ready reckoner that takes the contractor costs into account.

To avoid any further delays/additional costs and keep to the revised delivery programme NWR are seeking to enter into contract with AMCO, their nominated Contractor, by 31st January 2025. NWR cannot proceed in this regard until the Implementation Agreement has been signed by both SYMCA and NWR.

Approval is now sought to increase the value of NWR’s appointment under the IA to £7,074,541

Subject to agreement of this additional approval it is planned to make a start on site February 2025 (site establishment) with forecast completion and entry into service November 2025.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 30/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


Increase in the original appointment of Network Rail for Delivery Phase of Magna Tram Train stop approved

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

28/01/2025 - EP Morris Bus Ltd Software ref: 673    Recommendations Approved

The current Bus Cod system, used by the Finance team to process operator payments, has been identified as no longer viable due to its inability to meet the operational demands of the organisation. The software has become outdated and lacks the functionality needed to handle the increasing complexity of operator payment processes effectively.
In its current state, the system is creating a bottleneck within the payment process, leading to delays and inefficiencies that impact the overall workflow. These issues include limited automation capabilities, a lack of integration with other essential systems, and increased manual intervention to complete routine tasks. These inefficiencies not only hinder productivity but also pose a risk of errors in payment calculations and processing.
To resolve these challenges and ensure continuity of service, the decision has been made to replace the existing software with a modern solution from EP Morris Bus Ltd. The new system will eliminate the bottlenecks by streamlining payment processes, increasing automation, and integrating seamlessly with other systems. It will provide the enhanced functionality and scalability required to support the organisation’s current and future needs, ensuring operator payments are processed accurately and efficiently while maintaining compliance with regulatory standards.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 29/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


Approval to procure and implement the EP Morris Bus Ltd software as a replacement for the Bus Cod system, utilising the G-Cloud 14 framework. The contract will run for a three-year term with a total contract value of £226,914.

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

28/01/2025 - Approval to instruct Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) to undertake trial holes at various sites as part of the Bus Lane Review Implementation project. ref: 672    Recommendations Approved

A series of interventions are being developed as part of the CRSTS Bus Lane Review Implementation project.
These interventions include modifications to existing bus lanes and other measures.
It is necessary to verify the position of buried service plant and determine ground conditions as part of the design of these interventions.
Quotations have been sought to undertake these works.
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Highways Delivery Team have provided a quotation of £2,591.99/day to undertake this work (including road space permit applications), and have estimated the duration of the works to be 20 days. The total value of the quotation is thus £51,839.80.

Amey have also provided a quotation of £52,519.06, which does not include road space permit applications.

The addition of 10% contingency to the RMBC quotation results in a figure of £57,023.78.

RMBC are in the best position to carry out this work on their own highways, especially given their experience of using the RMBC road space permitting system.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 29/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


To instruct RMBC to undertake the trial holes to a maximum amount of £57,023.78.

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

28/01/2025 - Approval of additional costs on LRT Signal Heads Replacement project. ref: 671    Recommendations Approved

Refer to attached LRT Signal Heads Budget Increase paper.

Approval of an increase in cost from £395,801 to £522,767 is sought. The latter figure includes a 10% risk contingency on future project costs.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 29/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


To approve the additional costs of £126,966.

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

28/01/2025 - Skills Approvals ref: 670    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


That the Board:

1. Note the outturn position of ASF and FCFJ for academic year 2023/24 and approve clawback of funds for individual learning organisations.

2. Approve the South Yorkshire ASF Residential Funding Model for adoption in academic year 2025/26.

3. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for delivering the Skills Strategy Implementation Plan.

28/01/2025 - English Devolution White Paper ref: 664    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


That the Board:

1. Note the publication of the English Devolution White Paper, the implications for the MCA and the opportunities this presents South Yorkshire.

28/01/2025 - Audited Statement of Accounts 2023/24 ref: 668    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


That the Board approves the final version of the MCA’s audited 2023/24 Annual statement of Accounts.

28/01/2025 - Budget and Business Plan Development ref: 667    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


That the Board:

1. Approve a 2% increase on the transport levy;

2. Approve the maintenance of local authority subscriptions at current levels; 3. Note the proposal to not set a Mayoral Precept for the coming year;

4. Note the consultation around the Policing Precept; and,

5. Approve the acceptance of £16.56m in BSIP+ Phase 3 funding for 2025/26.

28/01/2025 - Bi-Annual Education, Skills and Employability Update ref: 666    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


That the Board note the update in this report.

28/01/2025 - Decisions & Delegated Authority Report ref: 665    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


The Board note the decisions and delegations made.


28/01/2025 - Programme Approvals ref: 669    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


That the Board approves:


1.    Progression of Jossey Lane to Highfields Connectivity to full approval and award of £1.2m grant to City of Doncaster Council, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary A.


2.    Progression of Harrop Mews, Phase 2 – Charnwood Street to full approval and award of £0.36m grant to Ben Bailey Homes Ltd, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B.



3.    Progression of Rockingham Fold – Symonds Avenue to full approval and an award of £0.42m grant to Ben Bailey Homes Ltd, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary C.


4.    Progression of S1 Artspace Capital Project to full approval and an award of £1m grant to S1 Artspace/Projects (T/A ‘S1 Artspace’), subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary D.



5. Progression of Heart of The City Block Leahs Yard to full approval and an award of £3m grant to Sheffield City Council, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary E.


6. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of the following:

a. Progression of Waverley Parcel 4C to OBC in-principle approval for £1.55m grant to Harworth Estates (Waverley Prince) Ltd as detailed in section 2.6.


7. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Oliver Coppard - in his position as the Portfolio Lead for Economic Growth for consideration of the following:

a. Progression of SY JESSICA – Investment Zone to OBC in-principle approval for £3m grant to Sheffield City Region Urban Development Fund (Limited Partnership) as detailed in section 2.7.


8. Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Growth Business and Skills, in consultation with the Portfolio Leads for Skills and Employment and Economic Growth, Section 73 and Monitoring Officer for:

a. Acceptance of £7.7m grant from The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for the “UK Shared Prosperity Fund” programme extension across financial year 2025/26 and approve the distribution of the grant to the South Yorkshire Local Authorities, to enter into legal agreements for the schemes. This is in addition to the £14.8m already approved at MCA Board on the 10th December 2024, bringing the total value of delegated authority for UKSPF 25/26 to £22.5m. and,

b. to develop and submit applications to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) for up to £2m to deliver the extended Rural England Prosperity Fund programme across financial year 2025/26.


9. Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Growth Business and Skills, in consultation with the Mayor, Section 73 and Monitoring Officer for: a. Acceptance of £0.6m grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies for the “Policy and Insights Innovation Fund”, if awarded.


10.Progression of change request for one project detailed in section 4 and,

11.Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the points above.

28/01/2025 - Minutes of the meeting held 10th December ref: 663    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 10th December 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record.

27/01/2025 - Progression of Rotherham Priority Housing Sites to OBC in principle approval ref: 662    Recommendations Approved

At the 12th November 2024 MCA Board, SYMCA secured delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure – to approve the project.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 27/01/2025


Option 1 – Approve the recommendation

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

22/01/2025 - Health and Safety Training Provider ref: 661    Recommendations Approved

A provider is needed for a variety of H&S training and competitive tender was run for this in partnership with the
Procurement team

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 22/01/2025


Agreement to contract with Astutis as the number 1 on the agreed scoring, at a value of approximately £110,000.

Lead officer: Julie Hall

22/01/2025 - Bus tender advance payment ref: 660    Recommendations Approved

Due to the exceptional circumstances [a supplier] have requested an advance tender payment, rather than being paid in arrears, to assist in cashflow challenges they are currently experiencing. This is an urgent request with payment being made within 5 working days or sooner.

Due to the following main reasons the operator is seeking a payment of tendered services in advance, rather than the usual in-arrears payment:
• [redacted due to commercial sensitivity]

The payment, if approved, is an advance payment of £75k and will be recovered at £7.5k per period over the next 10 payment periods starting at period 13 of 2024/25, netted off against their ordinary payments in arrears, so that it is completed next financial year. A letter issued from legal and signed by both parties agreeing to the advance payment and recovery method will be required before the payment is made.

[redacted due to commercial sensitivity]

A higher risk is that the [supplier], due to the factors above may not have the short-term cash flow for [redacted due to commercial sensitivity]

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 23/01/2025

Effective from: 22/01/2025


Option 2 – this is an initial advance payment of £75k but will be fully recovered.

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

23/01/2025 - A Tree for Everyone Grant Fund ref: 659    Recommendations Approved

Allocate £50,000 to create a fund to support the development and delivery of tree-planting projects in South Yorkshire. 'A tree for everyone' aims to engage communities in tree- planting, contributing to delivering the mayoral priority to plant 1.4 million

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Policy and Strategic Development

Decision published: 22/01/2025

Effective from: 23/01/2025


To extend the contract of the agency with which SYMCA has an existing contract.

Lead officer: Liam Ronan-Chlond