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At the 6th March 2023 MCA Board, SYMCA secured
delegated authority to the Head of Paid Services in consultation
with either the relevant Thematic Board, or, in the absence of a
Thematic Board due to timing, the Co-Chairs of such Board –
to approve the project.
Decision Maker: Monitoring Officer
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 27/08/2024
Option 1 – Approve the
Lead officer: Steve Davenport
In March 2023 the MCA board approved the
revised Assurance Framework. The revised Assurance Framework
provides for a one-stop governance process. This change was
designed to improve the pace at which schemes can be developed and
delivered. Strategic Business Cases are undertaken within
authorities with Outline Business Cases undertaken at MCA Board
The Framework allows for schemes that are accepted into the
programme to access development funding. Development funding is a
key component in supporting the development of quality schemes at
pace and is distributed on conclusion of the Strategic Business
Case. Accordingly, there was an unintended discrepancy where the
intention for a one-stop process was undercut by the need to seek
separate approvals for development funding release and OBC
Therefore, in July 2023 the MCA board granted approval to delegate
authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with
Portfolio Leaders and the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to
approve the release of development cost funding in line with the
Assurance Framework to enable schemes to progress as efficiently as
Decision Maker: Monitoring Officer
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Option 1 – Approve the
Lead officer: Steve Davenport
Capital money of £200k has been made
available from LNCT funding to replace 22 dilapidated or dangerous
shelters spread throughout South Yorkshire.
The shelters to be replaced have been spread across all 4
The work will be undertaken by the SYMCA approved on street supply
and maintenance contractors in line with the respective
Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
Lead officer: Gareth Sutton