The current management agreement that is in
place with Meadowhall shopping centre for the operation of the
interchange, requires the pedestrian bridge, linking the
interchange to the shopping centre, to be painted every 5 years. It
was last done in 2017.
The project was tendered to 4 contractors who had expressed an
interest. Of these 2 submitted tenders, Alfred Bagnall & Sons
Ltd and Coating services ltd. The returns have been assessed for
quality to ensure they pass the minimum standard required and meets
the specification required.
The tender assessment resulted in the following scores that were
assessed jointly with Ridge and partners who are acting as project
Company Quality Price Total
Bagnalls 32.00% 60.00% 92.00%
CSL 23.20% 27.03% 50.23%
The work will therefore be undertaken by the successful tenderer,
Alfred Bagnall & sons ltd, for a price of
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2024
Decision due: 31 Jul 2024 by Section 73 Officer
Contact: Michelle Stansfield, Head of Facilities and Asset Management Email: