Decision details

Award of Evening & Sunday Bus Service Contracts (part 3) plus post Tender Changes/Awards

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Changes to the network, including school bus services, has resulted in issues arising that have significant impact on passengers and reputational risk to SYMCA if no action is taken. Emergency solutions are in place to resolve these, and this paper seeks approval for longer term commitments and award of contracts to fund these solutions at a total cost of £829,479.13.


Option 2 - Recommendations approved. Total cost £829,479.13.

Alternative options considered:

• Option 1 - Do nothing (not recommended) – Do not award contracts and allow service de-registrations to take place and issues to remain. This would result in:
- some areas of South Yorkshire without an evening and Sunday service and is not supported/approved by the MCA Board on the 31 July 2023.
- capacity issues continuing to occur on home to school services.
- gaps in service and poor connections for passengers travel to and from employment.
- a poor customer offer with no tram replacement service
• Option 2 - Do something (recommended) - As the evening and Sunday services and home to school network are a key component of the South Yorkshire public transport network the retention of the services was essential to retain accessibility which would otherwise be lost at these times. Awards are within the limitations of the budget available and in line with the policy decision made by the MCA on the 31 July 2023. At a total cost of £829,479.13
• Option 3 - Do most (not recommended) – Award additional contracts to maintain the service levels across the network in an evening and Sunday as operated prior to the 29 October 2023. This would require and additional £3.9m per annum that is not available and was not approved as an option at the MCA Board on the 31 July 2023.

Publication date: 21/11/2023

Date of decision: 14/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: