Issue - meetings

Investment Pipeline Update

Meeting: 01/09/2022 - MCA - Business Recovery and Growth Board (Item 32)

Business Investment Pipeline Update

Additional documents:


An update on the Business Investment Pipeline was presented, it was noted that that: 

  • there were 74 active enquiries; examples of companies progressing through the assurance process were given.
  • 6 projects had been completed since January.
  • Companies were being encouraged to also request loan support from the MCA, as opposed to just grants.


ACTION: Assistant Director – Procurement, Contracts and Programme Controls  to provide a current spend figure for projects on the pipeline from April 2022 to the Board.


A question was raised as to whether there was any overarching investment policy or values for businesses seeking funding. The Board were informed that each project was assessed on its own merit.


ACTION: Innovation Project Director to arrange a meeting with interested Board Members to explain the full Assurance Process.


RESOLVED: to note the update.