Issue - meetings

Emergency Gainshare Allocations

Meeting: 16/11/2020 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board (Item 13)

13 Gainshare: Emergency Recovery Fund pdf icon PDF 177 KB

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A report was submitted which sought authority for the award of grant totalling £5.75m to the South Yorkshire local authorities in support of Covid economic recovery efforts, with a proposal that it be funded from gainshare resource.  The report also outlined the proposal to release a further £0.74m of gainshare funding to resource MCA pressures, and sought approval to progress the development of a Project Feasibility Fund and an Investment Framework.


RESOLVED – That the MCA:-


i)       Approved the award of grant totalling £5.75m to the four South Yorkshire authorities to support local Covid economic recovery efforts.

ii)      Approved the release of £0.74m of gainshare resource to support MCA financial pressures related to Covid.

iii)    Approved the creation of a revenue ‘Project Feasibility Fund’ to enable pipeline Development.

iv)    Approved the continuing development of an ‘Investment Framework’.

Delegated authority to the Chief Executive and the Section 73 Officer to transact the grant awards to the South Yorkshire authorities in the most efficient means possible.