Issue - meetings

2018/2019 Accounts Approval

Meeting: 29/07/2019 - Mayoral Combined Authority Board (Item 13)

13 Statutory Accounts for 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Approval of the Statutory Financial Accounts for the Financial Year 2018/19


           SCR Financial Statements (including Annual Governance Statement)


           ISA 260 – External Audit Report & Letter of Representation


           Summary presentation

Additional documents:


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the audited Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/19, noting that there will be a late adjustment to the accounts which could not be made in time for the MCA paper publication deadline.


A report was received requesting the Members’ consideration and approval of the MCA’s Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/19, having first had regard to the External Auditor’s audit report (ISA 260).


The Mayor thanks M Thomas and his team for the standard of work undertaken to produce the accounts.


Members were informed that consideration of the draft accounts had progressed through appropriate committees and officer boards ahead of their recommendation for approval.


Members welcomed Dan Spiller to the meeting who on behalf of the External Auditor (EY) advised that the audit was substantially complete pending the receipt of some final information relating to the pension fund (awaited from the SY Pensions Authority’s external auditor Deloittes).


Members were advised it was expected the External Auditor would provide a clean opinion.


The Mayor welcomed the suggestion the Auditor’s opinion would be unqualified and suggested this is a positive reflection on the work done by officers to strengthen our corporate gov arrangements


It was noted there was to be a late adjustment to the accounts which had been acknowledged and endorsed by the External Auditor.


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the audited Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/19, noting that there will be a late adjustment to the accounts which could not be made in time for the MCA paper publication deadline.