Issue - meetings

Tram Concession Programme Plan

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Audit, Standards and Risk Committee (Item 166)

Tram Concession Programme Plan

Additional documents:


The Acting Executive Director of Transport provided a progress update on the tram mobilisation programme.


The tram was due to return to public control in March 2024 and work was ongoing to ensure 2 main objectives:

  • To achieve a seamless transition;
  • To set the new operating company up for success.


The scale of work to be done was highlighted with a variety of different workstreams running concurrently. It was anticipated that various policy decisions would be taken to the MCA Board in November. 


In terms of resourcing, an interim structure had been put in place and the MCA had engaged a number of industry experts with significant, relevant experience to oversee the transitionary period.


ACTION: The Democratic Services Officer to share the Tram Mobilisation Programme slides with Members of the Committee.


In response to questions, the Acting Executive Director of Transport advised that although there was a lot to do in a short space of time and there were risks to the programme, she was confident that the team in place would manage the transition successfully.


ACTION: The Acting Executive Director of Transport to provide regular progress reports on the tram transition and bus franchising work to the Committee.


RESOLVED that the update on the Tram Concession Programme Plan be noted.


(The Acting Executive Director of Transport left the meeting.)