The purpose of the Infrastructure Board is to
drive the development and delivery of the SCR’s programme and
activity on this theme.
The role of the Infrastructure Board is
shape future policy
development and priorities on issues related to
develop infrastructure
make investment
decisions within the agreed budget and policy on infrastructure, as
delegated by the Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA);
accept grants with a
value of less than £2 million; and
monitor programme delivery and performance on
The Terms of
Reference for this Board can be found in the Mayoral Combined
Authority Constitution.
Infrastructure Board meetings are not public however,
papers are published 5 clear working days prior to each meeting and
draft minutes are published within 10
clear working days of the meeting taking place. The final minutes
of Board meetings are published within 10 clear working days of
being approved. Some papers may be withheld from publication. If
this is the case, the agenda will indicate the appropriate
exemption under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act