Agenda item

Strategic Economic Plan and Local Industrial Strategy Review


A paper and accompanying presentation were received to provide an overview of the current economic landscape in Sheffield City Region and the emerging evidence to structure future priorities/activities in the SCR in relation to housing, to be encapsulated within the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and Local Industrial Strategy (LIS)


Information was received to explain the process and timescales for development. It was noted the SEP and LIS are scheduled for publication in December 2019 but acknowledged there are a number of factors that may affect this intention.


Regarding sign-off it was noted the SCR effectively owns the SEP and can sign this off when considered appropriate. However, the LIS is co-owned with government and subject to other procedures and expectations (to be agreed with government).


Comparisons were drawn between the SCR and other city regions (nationally and internationally), noting the SCR lags behind almost every other region in terms of GVA and productivity.


It was acknowledged the drivers of productivity are numerous and suggested the SCR might be affected by some of these disproportionally, including having a significant number of jobs in low productivity sectors, lower skills levels and relatively less investment in research and development.


Further information and evidence was presented with specific relevance to housing growth related matters including demographics, the availability of affordable housing and housing energy efficiency


Members were presented with the proposed ‘people-focussed’ vision for the SCR’s SEP and LIS and its proposed supporting policies and outcomes (noting the metrics for these outcomes have yet to be determined).


However, noting the suggested vision that “In the SCR, every person will have an opportunity to take part in one of the most prosperous, dynamic and resilient global economies”, members challenged whether this is realistic given the SCR’s historic prosperity trends (noting this sentiment had been raised at other thematic Board meetings).


Members discussed the importance of systemically understanding the dynamics of the SCR to inform debates around how we manage and realistically maximise the achievability of the SCR residents’ aspirations.


It was suggested our approach to looking at ‘place’ needs to be more sophisticated to ensure we aren’t doing more of the same and expecting different results, and ensure we are capable of building on what works within the reality of what we are resourced to do


The Board considered the importance of growth being ‘inclusive’ to ensure this genuinely translates into improving the lives of the SCR’s residents and breaks the cycle of the SCR being stuck in a low wage economy.


It was suggested there appears to still be a significant amount of work to refine the SEP before it is due to be presented to the MCA and LEP and suggested that officers developing the draft Strategy need to start to frame this around the interventions and policy areas (such as liveability or inclusivity) that efforts should be targeted on (with metrics to be determined going forward) to ensure the Strategy isn’t too vague or overreaching.



RESOLVED - that the Board notes the summarised evidence base and the emerging areas for prioritisation.


Supporting documents: