Agenda item

Update: Strategic Economic Plan and Local Industrial Strategy


A report and presentation were received to provide the Board with an update on the emerging narrative and priorities for the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Strategic Economic Plan and Local Industrial Strategy.


It was reported the evidence base is largely complete and highlights a set of key messages that shape the emerging vision and priorities for the SEP and LIS.


The presentation provided a summary of the vision, priorities and ambition for further discussion.


Members were asked to comment on the proposal the SEP and LIS should be primarily focussed on people, with key visionary triggers based around ambition, transformation, prosperity, opportunity, inclusion and places.


Members considered the need to tether our visionary ambition in reality (asserting the SCR is ‘not’ going to be the world’s most prosperous city region) but recognised the importance of being genuinely ambitious.


It was agreed that the vision should be focussed on some key achievable deliverables that have the capacity to transform peoples’ lives such as raising skills sets which in turn might deliver greater prosperity and inclusion.


It was considered that some visionary attributes presented for deliberation are not necessarily compatible, with examples cited for where other regions internationally might have achieved great levels of prosperity but at the expense of the wellbeing of the local workforce.


Consideration was given to how any vision should be best communicated externally for maximum impact.


Members agreed the vision should not include any references to specific targets.


Consideration was given to whether environmental responsibility should be factored into the vision in respect of determining the way we want to grow our economy.


It was requested the Executive Team pull together a statement capturing the key points raised, to be circulated to the Board Members, to help seek assurance that there is a consensus understanding and support for both the draft vision and what this really means in terms of how it might be achieved (i.e. links to actions).


Action: Felix to co-ordinate the supporting statement for members to explain the rationale behind the proposed vision.


Consideration was given to whether the SEP and LIS should be factored around the existing thematic areas (skills, housing, infrastructure, transport and business growth) whilst also recognising the cross cutting themes of opportunity, prosperity and place, and the extent to which this approach might be used might provide a framework for the vision’s objectives.


It was suggested each of these themes needs to be supported by a set of prioritised performance indicators to ensure we focus on priority deliverables whilst recognising the Strategies can’t be everything to everyone.


Members considered the reality that most strategies collapse at the point of implementation, and recognised that it is the simplest strategies that tend to achieve. The degree of complexity of the current draft vision and objectives as presented were therefore challenged by the Board.


Cllr Gilby requested an update on how the strategies are being developed in conjunction with the D2N2 LEP area. The Chair noted regular meetings are held with both D2N2 and West Yorkshire LEP colleagues in the interests of ensuring consistency and compatibility in respect of overlap areas.


RESOLVED, that the Board notes progress to date on the development of the SCR SEP and LIS strategies.


Supporting documents: