Agenda item

Strategic Economic Plan Update


A report and presentation were received to provide members with an update following the discussion at the last LEP Board which provided a steer on the vision and objectives for the emerging Strategic Economic Plan.


Members were provided with an update on the vision, objectives and draft outcomes and emerging broad policy areas.


An early draft of the plan was provided to inform a discussion of priorities for the economic plan.


It was noted the evidence base has been signed off by the LEP Board and is now publicly available to inform wider research.


The Board was informed of the extensive means of engagement undertaken and planned to help shape the plan.


It was noted the latest iterations of the plan have more of a ‘place’ feel. Additional changes from previous versions were explained noting the plan now focuses on inclusive growth, prosperity and opportunity, with more holistic targeting and a greater emphasis on relationships with other agencies.


It was asked how focusing on fewer projects would lead to greater inclusivity. It was suggested this would recognise that past attempts to invest equitably across the whole geography hasn’t led to inclusive economy results, therefore this introduces the concept of investing more wisely in a smaller number of big impact projects.


The Chair asked how this links to the various other regional and pan-northern strategies and asserted the SEP needs to link to and reference these other plans.


Members were introduced to the proposed SEP objectives for infrastructure.


Regarding the Digital objective to ‘lead the way’, it was questioned how this can be our ambition given we are behind other regions and unlikely to ‘catch them up’. It was suggested this actually refers to some niche areas of the digital economy where the SCR is well placed to be a world class leader. Members suggested the current wording of the objective needs amending to reflect this position.


Action: Felix / Jon to reconsider the wording for the digital objective.


It was questioned how the plan will be ‘translated’ to the district level given the important role the local authorities (and other statutory agencies such as Homes England) play in the statutory planning processes.  How will the SEP influence those processes? It was noted there are regular engagements with representatives of all districts and agencies to help develop a plan that is meaningful to all stakeholders. It was recognised the SCR has no ‘mandate’ to direct other agencies’ activities and therefore has to adopt a partnership approach to achieving its ambitions, especially the buy-in of the local authorities.


Members further questioned how the proposed SEP’s ambition and objectives equate to the development of an inclusive economy suggesting there is something missing in the narrative to link these factors together. It was suggested the SEP needs to reference and recognise the importance of more people-based actions such as digital mobility and skills and career guidance “we need to build the ladder as well as enable people to climb the ladder”.


It was agreed the overarching narrative (first principles) of the SEP needs to connect ambition to action more than it currently does.


RESOLVED, that the Board:


1.    Notes the revised vision and objectives agreed by the LEP (9th September 2019)


2.    Notes the draft outcomes and emerging broad policies, of the SEP

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