Agenda item

Economic Recovery Plan


F Kumi-Ampofo delivered a presentation to outline the development of the SCR’s Renewal Action Plan (RAP) and timeline of activity for delivery.   


The RAP set out the SCR’s response to the current and potential social and economic impact of Covid -19 on the region, its residents and its businesses.  The purpose of the Plan is to provide the SCR with the interventions required to prepare the region best for recovery and renewal, but also to provide immediate relief.  The interventions presented focused on the relief phase (12 to 18 months).


Members noted that three priorities had been developed based on the impact Covid-19 would have on the region’s people (jobs and skills), businesses and organisations and places. 


The priorities were noted as follows:


People - to support work experience, apprenticeships, and training to avoid mass unemployment and/or reduce the period of unemployment.  This intervention was likely to target approximately 20,000 people, anticipating an increase of 3,000 apprentices in 18 months.


Employers – to provide access to specialist advice, grants and loans to businesses, to meet business needs and deliver policy objectives of the MCA and city region.  This intervention programme would target 20% of the overall business base, to survive and thrive, whilst also reducing their carbon footprint and reducing inequality. 


Place – to accelerate investment to enable and promote cycling and walking, commitment to support local development plans which enable low traffic neighbourhoods and improve bus services.  This intervention would increase cycling rates, uplift in urban centres and improved local economy resilience and health and wellbeing.


Members were informed that a total of seven broad interventions had been developed to date, to maximise support in these areas.  The presentation provided Members with a detailed description of the initiatives that would have the most impact, their delivery method and target impacts.  


The next steps for implementation of the RAP were noted as follows:-


·            Development of delivery plans to commence;

·            The Mayor would make representations (“asks”) to central government by 1st July;

·            Securing local stakeholder support and buy-in;

·            LEP Board endorsement of the Plan to be obtained in July;

·            MCA approval in July; and

·            Joint delivery with all partners. 


It was anticipated that the headline costs for implementation of the interventions would be available during week commencing 29th June 2020.


The Board considered and discussed the interventions at length.  The following observations were noted:-


·            In relation to Employment Schemes, the Board noted that there were proposals to run the schemes nationally, and not local.  The Board requested that representations be made to Government to request that discretion is applied to run local Employment Schemes.


·            With regards to delivery of the Plan, the Board requested that it be kept uncomplicated, focusing on “here and now” to avoid establishing new structures.  The Board requested that the expertise of the local authority delivery teams be utilised alongside the expertise of the Growth Hub.


·            The Board requested that the Plan should not be sector specific; the SCR should help as many businesses as it can. 


·            There should be a focus on inequalities for disadvantaged groups.


·           Councillor Iqbal reported that there was a disconnect between the SCR’s RAP and local authority plans.  Following discussion, it was agreed that Councillor Iqbal would forward the issues to F Kumi-Ampofo by email after today’s meeting.  ACTION: Cllr Iqbal


The Board thanked F Kumi-Ampofo and his Team for all efforts in producing the ERP.  


RESOLVED – That the Board considered and support the measures set out within the SCR Economic Recovery Plan.