Agenda item

RAP Draft Implementation Plan


A report was delivered to provide the Board with the draft plan of the implementation plan for the Employer section of the Renewal Action Plan.


Following the progress update at the last Board meeting of the Employer section of the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Renewal Action Plan (RAP), a consolidated draft implementation plan was presented which brings together the areas highlighted in the RAP for progressing.  It included proposals that had been developed to address the key changes under the employer section specifically:


1.      Flexible investment and Re-capitalisation

2.      Access to Specialist Advice

3.      Supply Chain and Procurement Support

4.      Leadership Support

5.      Digital Upskilling and Technology Adoption


Appendix A to the report outlined the agreed delivery interventions under the Employer section of the RAP, to be delivered across a 3 year timeline, with some interventions delivered within 6-12 months providing essential relief, with some delivered over 3 years.  All interventions were focussed primarily on providing relief and essential support to employers and businesses. 


The resulting initiatives for delivery of the Employer section were set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report, together with details on the investment required, projected and total outputs, together with overall targets and outcomes. 


The initiatives had been agreed by separate Task and Finish Groups and reported into a wider Delivery Group for discussion and agreement chaired by a LEP Board Member, which collectively agreed and discussed the relevant plans and tracked progress. 


The Board was informed that the total intervention cost for the Employer section of the draft document totalled £149,328,040 supporting up to 25,845 businesses.  Due to the nature of the document still being finalised, it was noted that, some elements may change slightly.


A range of investment programmes across five categorised interventions were proposed to support organisations to adapt, grow and unlock significant multipliers for the local and national economy.  


The Delivery Group had identified the most immediate priorities as being:

·           Priority 1 - A Relief Fund, providing financial support to businesses.

·           Priority 2 - Extending regional access to advisory and specialist support.

·           Priority 3 - Access to Digital adoption and upskilling support.

·           Priority 4 - Supply Development support - Mapping and opportunity development.

·           Priority 5 - Marketing Activity - Positive messaging and communications on initiatives.


The Board discussed and supported the five immediate priorities set out above 


It was highlighted that consistent feedback had been received from local businesses that, immediacy was required with regards to the Relief Fund and access to specialist support and advice. 


It was reported that the SCR Team were currently identifying elements within each of the theme sections, where work could commence. 


For example, under the ‘advice’ element, some resources had started to be implemented within existing budgets.  Work would take place to identify the key priorities with the separate Task and Finish Groups developing implementation plans for each of the separate priorities. 


Due to the agreement reached by the Mayor and Local Authority Leaders’ around the Tier 3 Covid-19 restrictions, the SCR would have in effect the Relief Fund to provide immediate relief and support, (albeit not to the full amount required). 


It was reported that work would take place to develop a Scheme and set of rules around how the Relief Fund would be deployed.  It was agreed that the outcome of this work be presented to the Board.  It was also suggested that the impact of the Relief Fund would be monitored through the Board. 


In relation to priorities 2-5, D Smith said with the Board’s support he would take these to the MCA to identify if there are available funds to meet these priorities.  He agreed to provide feedback to the Board on the outcome of the discussions.  ACTION: D Smith. 


The Board supported the suggestions. 


Summarising discussions, the Chair requested D Grimes to develop a document summarising the priorities (with the exception of the Relief Fund), with potential ‘asks’ from gainshare to be presented at the LEP Board on 5th November 2020 and MCA on 16th November 2020.  ACTION: D Grimes / D Smith.


RESOLVED – That Board Members consider and endorsed the overall package of support detailed in the paper and agreed the priorities as identified in paragraph 2.5.

Supporting documents: