Agenda item

SCR Brownfield Housing Fund


C Blackburn introduced a report which updated the Board on progress with the Housing Fund (Brownfield).  The report requested approval of the revised programme Prospectus.


Members were reminded that, over the next 5 years £40.3m capital and £841k revenue funding had been devolved to the MCA from the Government’s Brownfield Housing Programme.  The Housing Board on 3rd September agreed that funding should be managed in a two phased approach in response to the Government’s requirement that the allocation of £6m for 2020/21 be defrayed by the end of March 2021.


In relation to the ‘Early Delivery’ SBC, Local Authorities had been invited to submit Gateway Forms outlining the projects that could be accelerated to spend prior to March 2021 and begin the delivery of housing units within the first two years of the programme.  These schemes were currently being considered and the details would inform the development of a Housing Fund (Brownfield) Programme Strategic Business Case (SBC) for ‘Early Delivery’. 


The ‘Early Delivery’ SBC was being completed and appraised, with the intention to be considered by the Appraisal Panel shortly.


Should this Panel take place prior to the MCA meeting paper deadline for the 16th November MCA Meeting, it was proposed that a further Exceptional meeting of this Board be convened in early November to consider the SBC, which if endorsed, would be taken to the MCA on the 16th November for approval. 


With regards to the Competitive Fund, MCAs / LEPs had been invited in early September to submit early deliverable major schemes for funding from a top-sliced £40m from Government’s Brownfield Housing Fund.  The MCAs four schemes with a funding requirement in 2020/21 were submitted to the Competitive Fund and noted in paragraph 2.6 of the report. 


It was noted that a decision by MHCLG had not yet been taken on these schemes, but an announcement was expected in November. 


If these schemes were not agreed by Government, Local Authorities would be invited to consider moving them into the Housing Fund (Brownfield) pipeline subject to funding availability.  Local Authorities may need to prioritise which of their schemes could be delivered in 2020/21 and 2021/22 in order to remain within the overall programme allocation for the financial years.


Members noted the revised ‘Full Programme (to end March 2025) – Prospectus’, which set out the ambitions for the full housing programme over a 5 year period and proposed assessment criteria for the Fund. 


To date, discussions on pipeline schemes had been focussed on local authorities, with some early discussions with Housing Associations.  It was proposed to continue discussions with HAs on potential further pipeline schemes, and to bring back proposals at the next Board meeting regarding consideration of a potential ‘Open Call’ for wider stakeholder proposals. 


The programme SBC would be updated and periodically presented to the Board for decision on acceptance of schemes on to the programme as new pipeline schemes are proposed.


Councillor Beck questioned the appropriateness of an ‘Open Call’ and asked if the Prospectus would be revised during the five year period.


C Blackburn provided context to a potential ‘Open Call’ and said that the report was not asking the Board for decision a at today’s meeting in relation to the ‘Open Call’ and reference to the Open Call in the Prospectus would be clarified. The Prospectus was for the full duration of the five year period, which may be subject to reviews during this period.  A discussion would take place at the next Board meeting regarding the ‘Open Call’. ACTION: C Blackburn.


In response to a query from D Allen, regarding Homes England co-investment and layering of funds, C Moore confirmed that the Affordable Housing Grant could be used in addition to the Housing Fund (Brownfield) programme funds. 


Councillor Johnson wished to confirm agreement in principle, that, if schemes were not successful through the competitive route, then they would automatically be considered under the devolved element. 


C Blackburn confirmed that this was the proposal. 


Councillor Johnson asked if the local authorities could be provided with an advanced copy of the grants Terms and Conditions at the earliest opportunity. 


This request was acknowledged and would be provided, when formal Terms and Conditions had been confirmed. 


In relation to the Housing Fund (Brownfield) Prospectus, the Board asked if the paragraph in relation to ‘The inclusion of an MMC target within the Housing Fund is under consideration’ could be revised.  ACTION: C Blackburn.


RESOLVED – That the Board:-


1.      Endorsed the Housing Fund (Brownfield) Prospectus in Appendix 1 and recommend approval to the MCA, subject to the above amendment. 


2.      Noted the process being undertaken to both identify the potential early deliverable housing schemes, and development of the Programme Strategic Business Case (SBC).


3.      Agreed to hold an Exceptional Meeting to consider the Housing Fund (Brownfield) Programme SBC, if possible, in advance of the MCA meeting in November.

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