Agenda item

SCR Housing Review: Response And Next Steps


C Blackburn introduced the report presenting proposed responses to the recently completed Housing Review, as well as several next steps, for discussion and endorsement by the Board. 


The Board was reminded that the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Housing Review was completed by ResPublica in June 2020, and the results of this work were discussed both at the SCR Housing Board at its meeting in July and with individual local authorities.


The Review had identified a number of strategic issues in SCR and a series of six “propositions” for addressing these.  It also sets out a broader case for further devolution of funding to better target public investment to meet local needs and opportunities as part of the wider response to Covid-19.


The report sets out the proposed responses to the consultant’s recommendations, which had been developed in liaison with the four local authority Housing Directors.


An overview of each of the six “propositions” listed below was provided and noted by the Board. 


Proposition 1: Densifying Urban Areas

Proposition 2: Housing Investment Fund

Proposition 3: Private Rental Schemes

Proposition 4: Design and the Right to Beauty

Proposition 5: Spatial Planning

Proposition 6: Net Zero Homes and Renewal


In relation to Proposition 1, D Allen said that there should be an emphasis on maximising densification in new urban developments as well as in existing areas.. 


G Smith said that public transport hubs were key when considering urban areas and requests this be strengthened within the responses to Proposition 1. 


In relation to Proposition 2, R Burnham said that Barnsley MBC would support the proposal for further devolution of funding to the MCA, but that further detailed proposals would need to be investigated further. 


In relation to Proposition 3, Councillor Beck said that Rotherham MBC had reservations about a blanket approach to any Selective Licencing schemes and/or rent control schemes. 


Councillor Jones said that Doncaster MBC’s Selective Licencing Scheme was very successful.  However, this came at a considerable cost to the local authority.  He asked if there had been any consideration around funding initial start-up schemes. 


C Blackburn agreed to make reference in the report that, local authorities were progressing Selective Licencing Schemes and that they had a value at a local level.  However, it was not necessarily an area where MCA funding support would be prioritised.  Any propositions in the future would be considered around the criteria of the SEP.  He agreed to add a factual point in the report.  ACTION: C Blackburn. 


In relation to Proposition 4, R Burnham said that Barnsley MBC support the proposition, but needed to understand how this would work with the existing design guides and also existing Design Review Panel. 


In relation to Proposition 6, R Burnham said that Barnsley MBC strongly support the proposition and suggested that it should have more prominence in the report. 


Councillor Jones referred to Proposition 6 and said that one of Doncaster MBC’s Licencing Schemes content was around the private rented housing stock condition.  Work had been undertaken to impose upon landlords to improve housing stock. 


C Blackburn replied that data obtained from Housing Stock Surveys were critical to understanding the housing retro fit needs and priorities. He agreed to discuss further with the local authority Housing Directors to examine how this would fit with abd contribute to the retro fitting agenda for the future.  ACTION: C Blackburn.


Councillor Johnson asked if there could be a stronger reference in the report to the strategic role local authorities undertake in relation to the wider economic and regeneration.  ACTION: C Blackburn.


It was highlighted that, there was a risk that the MCA adopts a “pick and mix” approach to housing - progressing individual initiatives that are important but remain poorly connected to local initiatives and lack overall strategic coherence.


As such, it was proposed that alongside further work to develop the individual agreed propositions identified in the Review, local authorities and the MCA should work together to prepare a joint Housing Strategy to provide a strategy to housing across SCR. 


It was recommended that the Mayor meets with Leaders to consider the proposed responses in the report and the direction and scope of the Housing Strategy prior to being reported to the MCA for decision. 


RESOLVED – That the Board:-


1.      Endorsed the proposed responses to the Housing Review and next steps, subject to the suggested amendments.

2.      Recommended the proposed responses, as amended, to the MCA, requesting that the Mayor and Leaders meet to consider the implications of these responses, prior to seeking approval by the MCA. 

Supporting documents: