Agenda item

SCR Digital Infrastructure Strategy Update


C Blackburn gave a presentation summarising the early findings of the SCR Digital Infrastructure Strategy commission and sought endorsement for the recommended next stages leading to the delivery of the draft Strategy.


The Board was reminded that, in January 2020, the Infrastructure Board approved a proposal to commission the preparation of a Sheffield City Region (SCR) Digital Infrastructure Strategy.  Following a procurement exercise Arcadis were appointed and commenced work in June 2020.


The principle objectives of the commission were set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report and noted by the Board. 


The Board noted that Arcadis had undertaken over 70 interviews with stakeholders to obtain the views of both the industry and wider stakeholders on how the MCA, LEP and partners could best support the digital infrastructure needs for a growing economy.  These included discussions with the four South Yorkshire Local Authorities; public bodies such as the NHS and Police and Fire Services, as well as digital infrastructure providers and other private sector companies.


A summary of the interim findings were recently presented to the Superfast South Yorkshire Board, which comprises officers from all four local authorities, and which is acting as a ‘Sounding Board’ for the preparation of the Strategy.  The Board was supportive of the key findings and would continue to be engaged in the development of the Strategy.


The presentation at Appendix 1 to the report outlined the key findings to date and set out the approach to the next phase of the commission.


The Board noted the next phase of work which included:

·           Compiling the evidence base and analysis / mapping.

·           Mapping public assets and overlaying with industry roll-out plans and other data sources.

·           Continuing discussions with industry and other stakeholders on early interventions.

·           Engagement with DCMS.

·           Drafting of the Strategy document.


It was intended that a draft strategy would be ready for engagement with partners and stakeholders by the end of the year for consideration by this Board at its next meeting on the 7th January 2021. 


On behalf of Barnsley MBC, R Burnham provided the following comments:


·           There is a need for clear recognition of the importance of digital by establishing a dedicated SCR Digital Board with a clear and visible Digital Leader from the LEP Board.

·           Recognise the need to adequately resource this area moving forward and give consideration as to how existing resource, (i.e. Superfast South Yorkshire Team), could be used to meet that need.

·           We should not wait for the strategy to be developed and adopted before we deliver some of the innovative opportunities arising from this work and we should actively seek to accelerate where possible.

·           The timescales identified within the report are welcomed. However, it is critical that momentum and the direction of travel is sustained on this work in terms of pushing forward with adoption.


RESOLVED – That the Board:-


1.      Noted on the emerging findings of the initial phase of the Strategy development.


2.      Endorsed the proposed next steps in preparing the SCR Digital Infrastructure Strategy.

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