Agenda item

Capital Programme


Mayor Jarvis MBE commented that the items which had been discussed so far during the meeting had all related to the future.  It was also critical to ensure that the current programme of investment was delivered.


A report was presented which sought:-


i)       Approval of one scheme with a total value of £9.45m Transforming Cities Fund Tranche 2 (TCF2) and Getting Building Fund (GBF).

ii)      Approval of four Transforming Cities Fund Tranche 2 (TCF2) Outline Business Cases (OBCs) to proceed to Full Business Cases (FBCs) and early release of development cost funding with a total value of £3.31m.

iii)    Approval of early release of business case development cost funding for one Transforming Cities Fund Tranche 2 (TCF2).

iv)    Approval of early release of business case development cost funding for one Active Travel Fund Phase 2 (ATF2) scheme.

v)     Approval of four change requests for existing Local Growth Fund (LGF) projects.

vi)    Approval of four change requests for existing Getting Building Fund (GBF) projects.

vii)   Approval of one change request for an existing Getting Building Fund and Transforming Cities Fund Tranche 2 (TCF2) project.

viii)  Approval to award Adult Education Budget (AEB) Grants to five Further Education Establishments, three Local Authorities and one six form college.

ix)    Approval to award Adult Education Budget (AEB) funding to successful applicants through the MCA procurement exercise being currently undertaken.

x)     Approval for delegated authority to be granted to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 Officer and the Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreement for the schemes.


RESOLVED – That Members considered and approved:-


i)       Progression of “Quality Streets – Active Travel and Digital Infrastructure” project to full approval and award of £9m grant to Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Panel Summary at Appendix A to the report.

ii)      Progression of “A635 Active Travel Link OBC” to FBC and delegated authority be given to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to agree an appropriate early release of development cost funding of up to £0.41m TCF2 to BMBC subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary Table at Appendix B to the report.

iii)    Progression of “A61 Active Travel” OBC to FBC and delegated authority be given to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to agree an appropriate early release of development cost funding of up to £1.72m TCF2 business case development cost funding to BMBC subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary Table at Appendix C to the report.

iv)    Progression of “Parkgate” OBC to FBC and early release of development cost funding of up to £1m to South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (‘SYPTE’) subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Panel Summary at Appendix D to the report.

v)     Progression of “Rail Station Improvements” OBC to FBC and release of development cost funding of up to £0.172m to SYPTE subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Panel Summary at Appendix E to the report.

vi)    Approval to release scheme development cost funding for one scheme up to £48k, from TCF2 to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (‘BMBC’).

vii)   Release of scheme development cost funding for “Sheaf Valley” ATEF2 scheme, of up to £46k from ATF2 and Gainshare, to Sheffield City Council.

viii)  Project change request from “Doncaster Urban Centre” to agree a reprofile of job outcomes from 2020/21 to 2021/22.

ix)    Project change request from “DSA Car Park Expansion Loan Agreement” to agree an extension to works completion from January 2021 to May 2022 and reprofile of outputs and outcomes in accordance with the revised timescales.

x)     Project change request from “Peak Resort” to agree a reprofile of outputs from March 2023 to March 2024.

xi)    Project change request from “Digital Media Centre 2” to agree a reprofile of outputs from March 2021 to March 2022.

xii)   Project change request from “Rotherham Town Centre” to agree a reprofile of £0.53m grant from 2020/21 to 2021/22.

xiii)  Project change request from “Barnsley Digital Learning Sci Tech Building” to agree an extension to works completion from June 2021 to September 2021 and reprofile of £0.74m from 2020/21 to 2021/22 and reprofile of outputs and outcomes in accordance with the revised timescales.

xiv)Project change request from “DN College Digital Infrastructure” to agree a reprofile of £0.31m from 2020/21 to 2021/22.

xv)   Project change request from “Goldthorpe Strategic Land Assembly” to agree revision of conditions to enable entry into contract.

xvi)Project change request from “Heart of the City Breathing Spaces 2” to agree a reprofile of £0.41m GBF funding from 2021/22 into 2020/21 and £0.4m TCF funding from 2020/21 and £1.38m from 2021/22 into 2022/23.

xvii)      Progression of “AEB – Grant Provider Agreements” to full approval and award.

xviii)     Progression of “AEB Procurement Funding Agreements” to full approval and award.

xix)Delegated Authority be given to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to agree an appropriate level of development costs and enter into legal agreements, following receipt of clarity on development cost requests for the schemes listed at recommendation 3 and 4 above and detailed in sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the report.

xx)   Delegated authority be given to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes covered above.



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