Agenda item

Internal Audit Plan Reports


The Committee considered a report which presented the Internal Audit report for the AMP Technology Centre – Follow-up. 


The follow-up Audit review had concluded that good progress was being made in addressing the weaknesses identified as part of the original Audit review.  Action taken to date had reduced the risk now present. 


It was acknowledged that there was some work still in progress and agreed implementation dates had not yet been reached for some actions, however progress was being made to implement those actions in advance of the due dates. 


The 2020/21 review had identified several areas for improvement and as such eight recommendations were raised including one high risk recommendation. 


Members noted that significant progress had been made in addressing the high risk issue raised.  Two low risk actions had been fully implemented and good progress was being made in implementing two medium and two further low risk recommendations. 


Councillor Lofts asked if the high risk recommendation was now progressing to a lower risk. 


L Mackenzie replied that, based on the re-assessment of the risk and work currently taking place, the risk had now moved from ‘high’ to ‘medium’. 


The original recommendations and their risk ratings, together with the Authority’s agreed actions and findings from the follow-up review were contained within the report.  Where appropriate, new recommendations had been raised together with revised implementation dates. 


R Jarvis asked if there was a backlog of planned maintenance at the AMP Technology Centre. 


In response, G Sutton replied that an interim Asset Manager had recently been appointed who would be responsible for developing an Asset Register aligned to planned preventative maintenance for the AMP Technology Centre. 


R Jarvis asked if the re-current level of bad debt was related to recommendation 4. 


M Thomas agreed to provide information after today’s meeting. 


Post meeting note from M Thomas - I can confirm that there is only one customer account where we have sufficient concern about repayment that we have opted to take a provision.  However, the amount is only £4,050 as at the end of July 2021 (£1,350 per month going back over 3 months from April to June 2021).


A Marshall asked if the oversight of internal and financial controls within the AMP Technology Centre was weakening. 


G Sutton provided assurances to the Committee that officers were actively trying to address this issue and that significant progress was being made. 


In response to a query from A Marshall, G Sutton provided assurances that fire doors at the Centre were no longer being wedged open. 


A Marshall asked if KPIs would be developed for the AMP Technology Centre and for the wider tenanted management of assets.


In response, G Sutton said that the interim Asset Manager would be designing a set of Asset Standards which would lead to a set of manageable KPIs being developed.  He agreed to present the draft KPIs at a future meeting.  ACTION: G Sutton / C James to add to the Work Plan.


In response to Members’ questions relating to the managing agent for the AMP Technology Centre, G Sutton reported that initial work on the target operating model had now commenced.  He anticipated that work would be completed by the end of October 2021.  G Sutton agreed to provide a report to a future Committee meeting.  ACTION: G Sutton / C James to add to the Work Plan. 


RESOLVED – That the Audit, Standards and Risks Committee considered the findings and recommendations of the internal audits on:


Amp Technology Centre – Follow up.

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