Agenda item

Business Recovery and Growth Board Summary Paper


A report was submitted which provided an update across the range of activity delivered under the direction and oversight of the SCR Business Recovery and Growth Board.


Members received an update in relation to the delivery and progress of the following Renewal Action Plan priorities:-


·            Priority 1 – A Relief Fund, providing financial support to businesses.


Business Advisors had been embedded within the four local authorities with the remit to ensure that businesses were supported in accessing the grants.  A capital scheme had been established to encourage businesses to consider productivity which would enable them to thrive beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.  A total of 642 jobs were anticipated to be created across South Yorkshire.  Evaluation was underway with a view to reporting back to the Board on future activity.


·            Priority 2 – Extending regional access to advisory and specialist support.


Engagement had been made with a total of 400 businesses across South Yorkshire, 270 of which were micro businesses and 130 businesses were small to medium sized enterprises and large companies.


·            Priority 3 – Access to digital adoption and upskilling support.


It was intended to present a soft-landing programme to the next Board meeting.


·            Priority 4 – Supply development support.


Supply Chain Advisors had been appointed within three of the local authority teams, with a view to appointing a Supply Chain Advisor within SCC.


Sheffield University students had undertaken a supply chain mapping exercise.  Analysis would be provided to the Board in due course.


·            Priority 5 – Marketing activity – positive messaging and comms on initiatives.


A great deal of marketing activity had been undertaken around the positive messages with businesses, to include promoting events with stakeholders and partners.


Members noted that the Peer Networks contract had been awarded the Winning Pitch, to deliver eight cohorts of peer network support to SME’s within South Yorkshire.


The Board had previously discussed the business pipeline and the projects that were being delivered at pace.  The first two approvals would be presented to the MCA meeting that was scheduled to be held in September 2021.  International activity had been effected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  A Virtual Trade Mission had been held during April 2021, where a total of 47 Growth Champions meetings had been held.  It was anticipated that the South Yorkshire India Advisory Board meeting would be held in November 2021.  A South Yorkshire China Advisory Board would be developed, but this had been postponed due to the pandemic.


J Muir expressed his thanks to H Kemp and her team, N MacDonald and Mayor Jones CBE for their efforts and time involved in holding a series of SCR Business Recovery and Growth Board Meetings to support a number of initiatives.


N MacDonald also expressed his thanks to H Kemp and her team for the work undertaken.  In relation to the employment contracts, he commented that the projects had been discussed at the Assurance Panel and the SCR Business Recovery and Growth Board, and communication had been made with those companies.


RESOLVED – That the Board noted the activity to date on delivering the Employer section of the Renewal Action Plan and the developments in business support and international activity.

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