A Marshall provided the Committee with a verbal update from the Audit, Standards and Risk Advisory Panel Meeting held on 13 January 2022. Members noted the following key points arising from the meeting:-
· The Health and Safety Report was a good addition to the Panel’s reporting mechanism. Data was awaited from the operators.
· There had been a significant increase in the number of crime and disorder incidents at a number of the South Yorkshire interchanges.
· The SYPTE performance dashboard had been reviewed, with focus given to transport, punctuality, statistics, reliability of the new tram vehicles, capital programme slippages and its impact on the funding available in the event that the deadlines could not be met.
· Internal Audit was progressing well against the Audit Plan.
· The Panel had agreed that community transport would become a new addition to the Audit Plan.
· Consideration had been given to the 9 overdue recommendations. One of which was of medium risk and the other 8 were of low risk in relation to the SYMCA; the Panel had received assurance that they would be dealt with accordingly.
· The External Audit final report had been discussed and minor textual amendments had been made. The fees for the additional work on Pensions and Value for Money had been agreed, but not the additional fee for Value Added which had been referred onto the Public Sector Auditor Appointments for adjudication.
· Consideration had been given to the new risk framework, regarding how the SYPTE risks were integrated into the overall framework for the Authority. The main concern of the Panel related to how the SYPTE operational risks would be summarised into the new overall strategic categories how they should be brought to the attention of the Management Board.
· A deep dive had commenced into operational risks, which had commenced with the tram. The Panel had taken assurance, whilst recognising the challenging issues to be managed with the tram asset.
In relation to the operational risks and the associated health and safety, R Jarvis was encouraged by the way in which the presentation had been provided to the Panel. He was confident that the skills were available in-house to deal with the arising issues; regular reviews were undertaken with the operators. There were a number of operational challenges and risks in relation to the assets, overhead lines and the track which were being addressed. He referred to the report which had been published following the Croydon tram incident that had occurred a few years ago, which had identified four points to be implemented; which would be partly completed now and in 2024.
The Panel would next meet in February 2022 to complete the work regarding the bus issues and other transport operational issues at the risk profile and how they were managed, which would be reported back to a future Committee meeting.
In relation to integration, the Panel had received the latest report in relation to progress and had considered the key areas on the project to meet the critical milestones, any significant changes to the plan, slippage against the plan, project budget, staff engagement and the risks to the organisation regarding the integration project and business as usual. Work continued at pace. A Marshall expressed her disappointment that the Order for Dissolution would not be laid by 1 April 2022. The capacity of the organisation remained a key concern together with continuing the pace of the work and to deliver the benefits of change. Staff recruitment continued to be an issue, and resourcing was a critical risk on the risk register.
RESOLVED – That the update from the Audit, Standards and Risk Advisory Panel Meeting held on 13 January 2022 be noted.