Agenda item

Programme Approvals


A report was submitted which sought approval to progress 11 schemes with early release of development cost funding, subject to conditions set out in the Assurance Summaries; release of development cost funding for 1 scheme; and approval of 2 project change requests.  The report also requested delegated authority to enter into necessary legal agreements for the schemes. 


RESOLVED – That the Board considered and approve:


i)           Progression of “T17 Doncaster Station to College” to full approval and award of £0.41m grant from Transforming Cities Fund (TCF2) to Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council (DMBC) subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix A1;


ii)         Progression of “O49 City Centre Cycle Hub” to full approval and award of £0.30m grant from Active Travel 2/Gainshare (ATF2/Gainshare) to Sheffield City Council (SCC) subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix A2;


iii)       Progression of “D29 Bus Shelters” to full approval and award of £1.11m grant from Gainshare to South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached Appendix A3;


iv)       Progression of “D30 Passenger Information Displays” to full approval and award of £0.67m grant from Gainshare to South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached Appendix A4;


v)        Progression of “T13 A630 Bus Improvements” Outline Business Case (OBC) to Full Business Case (FBC) and the release of development cost funding of up to £0.27m from TCF2 to SYPTE subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached Appendix B1;


vi)       Progression of “T10 Barnsley Station Access Improvements” OBC to proceed to FBC and the release of development cost funding up to £0.19m from TCF2 to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix B2;


vii)     Progression of “T17/3 Bennethorpe to Hallgate Cycleways” OBC to proceed to FBC and the release of development cost funding up to £0.05m from TCF2 to DMBC subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix B3;


viii)    Progression of “O50 Netheredge Crookes” OBC to proceed to FBC and release of development cost funding up to £0.06m from ATF2/Gainshare to SCC subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix B4;


ix)       Progression of “T14 West of Doncaster Active Travel” OBC to MCA for approval to proceed to FBC and release of development cost funding up to £0.05m from TCF2 to DMBC subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix B5;


x)        Progression of “O50 Sheaf Valley Route” OBC to MCA for approval to proceed to FBC and release of development cost funding up to £0.05m from ATF2/Gainshare to SCC subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix B6;


xi)       Progression of “T8/1&3 City Centre to Attercliffe and Darnall Active Travel” OBC to MCA for approval to proceed to FBC and release of development cost funding up to £1.2m from TCF2 to SCC subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix B7;


xii)     Release of development cost funding of £0.08m for “O45 Thorne and Moorends” from ATF2/Gainshare to DMBC in line with the details attached at Appendix C;


xiii)    Project change requests as detailed in Appendix D; and


Delegated authority be given to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes covered above and enter into the necessary legal grant agreements.

Supporting documents: