L Morris presented a report which provided an update on the Strategic Risks of the Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) which had been updated following the Autumn series of Management Board risk review activity, to reflect the current status and next steps in terms of the actions.
In relation to the ongoing consultation on the Bus Improvement Plan and reference to the franchising from Mayor Jarvis MBE and other local politicians, Councillor Otten queried whether there had been any movement in the risks that applied to the enhanced partnership that had been agreed.
Dr Adams commented that this did not indicate any movement in the risks that applied to the enhanced partnership. At the recent SYMCA Meeting, the Leaders had requested time to discuss the matter with their respective local authorities. A further paper would be presented to the SYMCA Meeting in March 2022. The Chief Executive, Directors of Transport and the Leaders were aware of building the best possible relationships with the operators. This would not be mitigated within the risk register, but it was a recognised issue in terms of planning the integrated organisation and emphasis of relationship building with the operators.
Councillor Otten queried how the bus companies would be dealt with in terms of risk, rather than problematic risk but gain theoretic risk, would that be treated in a different way and whether the register is fully up to that in terms of risks that will react to what we do rather than risks that will just happen. Is it part gain theory rather than problematic theory and is that understood and taken into account on the risk register.
In relation to the key issues and the Strategic Risk Summary update table within the report, Councillor Jones requested an understanding of the green and amber boxes. He expressed concern that the table did not include any of the red high rated risks.
Members noted that the green and amber boxes related to the way in which the risks schedules were currently structured, which averaged some of the detail that worked on the basis of the individual risks.
R Jarvis commented that the dashboard would be implemented which would highlight the key risks, trends and mitigation etc.
L Morris would take forward some of the points raised by Councillor Jones into the new arrangements.
Members were referred to the brown field programme which had no mitigation against it. G Sutton commented that it was a fiscal stimulus scheme that the Government had committed to in response to the pandemic, with allocated funding towards housing schemes on brown field sites across the region. The Government had given the SYMCA a spend target of £20m by the end of the current financial year. The SYMCA was concerned that the current forecast had indicated only £2m spend by the end of the current financial year. Engagement was currently being made with the Government with a view to seeking flexibility on the use of the funding.
RESOLVED – That Members noted the updated position on strategic risks and the associated controls and actions planned and raised any questions considered necessary.
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