Agenda item

Public Questions


It was noted that three public questions had been received.


The following question was received from Jenny Carpenter, Better Buses for South Yorkshire:-


“Will the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority get behind the We Own It campaign calling on the Government to review the ban on public ownership of bus transport?”


In response, Mayor Jarvis MBE expressed his thanks to J Carpenter and the We Own It campaign for the work undertaken and for keeping up the pressure.  He considered that Local Government should be empowered to do whatever was appropriate to improve the bus system.  South Yorkshire needed its own solution, which reflected its particular urban-rural geography, reflected the needs of its communities and integrated with the other transport modes within the region.  He believed that the ownership issue should form part of that debate, and the issue had been addressed within the SYMCA’s independent Bus Review.  Members noted the multitude of tasks that were being undertaken at once, which included propping up a system that was on the verge of collapse whilst putting in place the Enhanced Partnership model which sought short and medium term improvements, and as with franchising, exploring the different models of managing the bus network.


The following question was received from Fran Postlethwaite from Better Buses for South Yorkshire:-


“My question concerns Item 11C Enhanced Partnership Scheme components, section 5 ‘improvements to passenger engagement’.  This states ‘a new forum for passenger representation to include bus user groups, representatives of disabled people and local business groups’ will be established by 30 June 2022.  We also note that this section promises a new Customer Charter, also by 30 June 2022.  Can we be assured that the Better Buses for South Yorkshire group, which brings together a large number of bus users and would-be bus users from across the region, will be recognised as a passenger group and invited to be represented on the forum?”


In response, Mayor Jarvis MBE thanked F Postlethwaite for her question and the work undertaken.  He commented that the DfT guidance suggested that the Forum should include representatives of bus passengers, local businesses, disability groups, similar in nature to those that were involved in the development of the BSIP.  There was a suggestion within the DfT guidance that the Partnership Forum would be the most appropriate means of involving neighbouring authorities, particularly those involved in the BSIP.  The role of the Enhanced Partnership Board was to establish the Passenger Forum, which they would envisage to do by 30 June 2022, including representatives of the organisations suggested in the guidance.


The following questions were received from Gordon Dabinett, Steering Group Member of Sheffield for Democracy, which focussed on, but not exclusively addressed the devolution proposals contained within the Government’s recently published Levelling Up White Paper:-


“i) The White Paper proposes new relationships between the Mayoral Combined Authorities and the Police and Crime Commissioners and the Fire and Rescue Services in their areas.  What new relationships will be set up in South Yorkshire in the future?


ii) The White Paper also calls for further integration of LEP Boards with the SYMCA Boards.  What changes in the relationship between the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Board and the LEP Board will result from this?


iii) One of the many broad aspirations expressed in the White Paper is to see a streamlining of the current ‘funding landscape’.  What specific changes would the SYMCA Board wish to see implemented?


iv) In what ways will the proposed greater SYMCA control of Local Transport and Adult Education budgets be put to use in South Yorkshire?


v) Are there any intentions to use a Mayoral Development Corporation by the South Yorkshire MCA in the near future?”


In response, Mayor Jarvis MBE thanked G Dabinett for his questions which were all important issues, to be considered fully by the SYMCA.  A summary of the White Paper would be discussed during the course of the meeting.  The White Paper was not yet legislation, and was reliant upon further information from the Government.  The White Paper referenced a number of powers, such as transport and adult education, that the SYMCA already used to the betterment of the South Yorkshire communities.  At the recent South Yorkshire Economic Summit, Mayor Jarvis MBE had highlighted the importance of streamlining the current funding landscape to A Haldane, in his role of Head of the Government’s Levelling Up Taskforce.  The DfT had proved with their approach to the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement that it could be done.


Mayor Jarvis MBE confirmed that there was no intention to establish a Mayoral Development Corporation within this Mayoral term.  However, the new Mayor and Leaders would reserve the right to bring forward a Mayoral Development Corporation if the case was there to help unlock jobs and growth.


In relation to the Police and Crime Commissioner role, Mayor Jarvis MBE believed that there was a strong and positive case to be made for this.  The issue would be resolved in the new Mayoral term.