Agenda item

Mayoral Scrutiny


Mayoral Scrutiny


The Chair suggested that Members pose any urgent questions to officers who could provide a response in the Mayor’s absence.


Members queried the progress on the Mayor’s target to appoint a lead on improving health inequalities within 100 days of taking office.


The Deputy Chief Executive informed the Committee that the Mayor was currently in discussions regarding an action plan and intended to release a statement on his 100th day in office. The Director of Corporate Policy added that once in post, this role would work with partners to identify the key actions required.


In response to Member’s concerns around mental health, the Director of Corporate Policy advised that the Working Win programme supports people suffering from mental health issues to remain in or return to work. SYMCA was limited by its devolution deal which did not include powers over healthcare. The Mayor was also keen to work closely with the Integrated Care Partnership.


Bus Cancellations


The Director of Public Transport Operations informed the Committee that the MCA Board had approved the use of £5.1m of reserves to protect school bus services until July 2024. A detailed analysis of all schools affected had been undertaken and various options had been explored. Some services would be replaced on a like for like basis but where this was not possible the existing commercial bus network would be utilised. The Committee noted that SYMCA was currently in the process of tendering services; the deadline for operators to submit bids was 5 August 2022. Contracts would be awarded the following week.


Members questioned the accuracy of data displayed on digital bus stops. The Director of Public Transport Operations stated that SYMCA was reliant on information provided by commercial operators.


ACTION: The Director of Public Transport Operations to provide information on the indicative levels of inaccuracy of data displayed on digital bus stops to the Committee.


South Yorkshire Retrofit


The Deputy Chief Executive reported that, in relation to the Retrofit Taskforce, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs had recently asked MCAs to take responsibility for developing a Nature Recovery Strategy and that SYMCA were in the early stages of working through the details. The Committee noted that retrofitting was only one element of a wider sustainability and environmental agenda. The committee were informed that one of the main challenges to retrofitting was funding, which the SYMCA could not meet on its own; noting that the cost to retrofit all South Yorkshire homes EPC rated D or below would be circa £6bn.


ACTION: Democratic Services to add Retrofit Taskforce to the Work Programme.




The Chair requested an update on the situation at DSA following the announcement by Peel Group that it may no longer be commercially viable. The Chief Legal and Monitoring Officer informed the Committee that work was ongoing between SYMCA, DMBC and other partners. Officers were working to ensure that Peel Group was exploring all available options as DSA was vital to the local and regional economy. The Committee noted that SYMCA had provided significant investment in DSA, including funding for the link road and separate loans to Peel Group. Considerable pressure was being put on Peel Group from the private sector as well as politically.


(The Chief Legal and Monitoring Officer left the meeting)