Agenda item

EP Targets Report


The Enhanced Partnership Plan suggested targets for 2024/5 as follows:

  • 77 million passenger journeys per annum
  • 99.5% reliability
  • 4% reduction in journey times on corridors where interventions are planned
  • 92% average passenger satisfaction.


In addition, the suggested monitoring programme included the following indicators:

  • Punctuality
  • The proportion of the bus fleet that is zero emission (starting from a baseline of 0%)
  • A value for money tracker of the average daily and weekly fare across South Yorkshire.


As part of the regular reporting cycle, a dashboard showing progress against these targets and indictors was prepared. This paper summarised the key issues arising and any actions to be considered by the Board.


ACTION: Members to share their views on the appearance and content of the dashboard with the Director of Public Transport Operations.


A discussion was had around the targets for 2024/5. Mayor Coppard noted that he felt that these targets would not be achieved due to the challenges facing buses in South Yorkshire. Members discussed whether the target should be a hard number or if a percentage of modal travel would better demonstrate the shift in travel choices.


ACTION: M Kitchin and K Belfield to report back to the Board with a projected bus patronage figure following the service cuts in October.


Members noted the difficulty in recruiting and retaining bus drivers. K Belfield noted that First’s shortfall at the Olive Grove depot was 72 drivers. This was a national problem with 7-8% shortfall nationwide. This shortage was attributed to a change in priorities relating to employee work/life balance.


A discussion took place around reasons for reduced bus patronage, such as working from home, continuing safety and wellbeing concerns and the recent effects of extreme weather on travel patterns. Possible recovery options were considered, including: encouraging more events in the local area to stimulate demand; reviewing the cost of car parking in relation to bus fares; and working with local business to provide extras to ticket holders (retailer discounts, vouchers, etc.).


ACTION: Officers to collate the information on the reasons for reduced bus patronage and possible recovery options for members to decide on during the next meeting in October.


Members discussed the wide range of data currently available on both users and non-users of public transport and discussed whether the best use is being made of it to understand current and potential travel demand. Members also considered how existing data could be shared between bus operators and the MCA to help with decision-making.


ACTION: SYMCA to share economic intelligence on travel patterns with bus operators.


Members noted that currently there was little data on passengers and their end travel goals. It was suggested that the Development Group could work on this. Members were informed that there is a company in Sheffield (The Floow) who focus on this area.


The Board considered potential passenger groups who could use the bus more frequently if the service was improved. Members also shared their concern that usage by holders of the elderly concession pass was still significantly below pre-COVID levels, and the ways in which greater use could be encouraged.


ACTION: EP Development Group to create a piece of work which explores better data in terms of travel flows and public movement.


ACTION: Democratic Services Officer to add ‘EP Targets Report’ onto the November agenda for members to review the targets following the impact of the changes to be made in October.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.   Note the contents of this paper in relation to the delivery of the Enhanced Partnership targets and indicators

2.   Provide feedback on the format and approach to the Dashboard

3.   Note any expectations on Board members to provide support and decision making where their contribution is required to deliver the targets agreed.

Supporting documents: