Agenda item

Development: Overview of SYMCA Assurance Process



A presentation was given which summarised the MCA’s funding and assurance processes for Business Recovery and Growth (BRG) projects.


The presentation gave the Board detail on:

  • The responsibilities of the BRG Board to bring together public and private leadership to deliver the MCA’s Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), to scrutinise ongoing activity and to develop policy on issues related to business recovery, innovation, enterprise, and growth.
  • The 3 pillars of the SEP: Growth, Inclusion and Sustainability, and key interventions made to support the Growth pillar.
  • The governance of the wider MCA in relation to the BRG Board.
  • The specific responsibilities of the Board: shaping and reviewing policy, priorities, and programmes, and awarding and monitoring grants and contracts.
  • The kind of information provided to the Board to support its decision making.
  • The MCA Assurance and Appraisals process and assessment criteria.


It was noted that the BRG Board does not have access to a specific fund for general investment, but does have access to funding for specified programmes of activity. This includes programmes such as Made Smarter along with funding provided by the MCA Board for bodies of activity such as the Business Renewal Action Plan work.


Members of the Board were critical of the length of time it could take to fund projects. The response was given that a balance is needed between an appropriate level of assurance to satisfy Government devolution requirements and the speed of the process. It was noted that how the MCA’s obligations towards assurance are discharged is currently being reviewed with an emphasis on ensuring that the balance between the rigour of appraisal and speed of delivery is appropriate.


A summary was then given of the current financial position in the Business area of the MCA’s work, noting:

  • The position of both revenue and capital activity in the current financial year, and how the business pipeline could be funded based on recommendations from the Board.
  • That the MCA Board could choose to allocate budget where a fund does not already exist for activity.


Roughly £4m of funds remained in the Business Renewal Action Plan (RAP) previously provided in 2021, and the Board requested an update on Renewal Action Plan to be presented to the next Board meeting.


ACTION: Innovation Project Director to provide an update to the February Board meeting regarding the impact of spent RAP funds, and recommendations for allocating the remaining amount.


An overview of how the business pipeline is funded was given, noting that:

  • There was no dedicated funding stream owned by the Board for funding general business investment although the Board could endorse opportunities to the MCA Board who could choose to award funding
  • The Assurance Framework was a mechanism for ensuring that this money was spent responsibly.
  • The MCA Board has made a £26m capital fund available for financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24 against which the five authorities had sought money for schemes. 20% would be retained by the MCA to deliver the Mayoral manifesto and regional priorities
  • Beyond 2024, each of the four LAs would receive a long-term Gainshare commitment to develop and deliver Place plans whilst the MCA would receive 20% of funding to develop and deliver a regional level plan.
  • A financial update would be presented to the MCA Board meeting in January, with detail on how funding had been allocated and spent.
  • Wherever possible, Gainshare funding was used sustainably, including by making loans as opposed to grants where possible.


RESOLVED: To note the information given in the presentation.