A report on Programme approvals was presented.
RESOLVED: That the Board approve:
Adult Education Budget activity:
a. Allocation of £40.61m Adult Education Budget (AEB) devolved funding and £2.85m Free Courses for Jobs (FCFJ) funding for academic year 2023/24 as detailed in 1.12:
b. Flexibilities for in year changes to AEB and FCFJs contract and grant values as detailed in 1.13
c. Progression of “Welding and Rail Academy” BJC to full approval and award of £0.50m Adult Education Budget (AEB) Innovation Fund grant to Barnsley College subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A1
d. Progression of “Aspire to Be” Business Justification Case (BJC) to full approval and award of £0.47m AEB Innovation Fund grant to Doncaster Deaf Trust subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A2
Skills Renewal Action Plan scheme:
e. Progression of “Apprenticeship Hub” BJC to full approval and award of £0.35m Gainshare grant to The Sheffield College subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A3
Brownfield Housing Programme schemes:
f. Progression of “Sheffield Community Land Trust (SCLT), City Centre Scheme” from Mandate to Strategic Business Case (SBC) and release of Brownfield development funding of £0.09m to SCLT
g. Progression of “Waverley Net Zero Carbon Pilot (Parcel 4C)” from SBC to Outline Business Case (OBC) subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary attached at Appendix A4
h. Progression of “Sky-House – Waverley Central” from SBC to OBC subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary attached at Appendix A5
i. Progression of “Waverley Affordable Housing Led Scheme (Parcel 4D)” from SBC to OBC subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary attached at Appendix A6
j. Progression of “Canon Brewery” from SBC to OBC subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary attached at Appendix A7
Gainshare Investment
k. Delegate authority for the approval of the proposal for the following scheme to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Mayor and the Leader of Sheffield City Council:
a. Subject to the conclusion of assurance and match-funding requirements, the progression of scheme ‘D0034’ to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £14m grant support
l. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above
Grant Acceptance:
m. Acceptance of £0.41m grant from Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC) for Careers Hub Network
Shared Prosperity Fund:
n. Approve the underwriting of Shared Prosperity Fund capital activity up to a value of £3m from the Gainshare capital risk reserve
Development Activity:
o. Note the current assurance status of 106 schemes in development
Supporting documents: