Agenda item

Active Travel Project


A report was received to provide an update on the work of the Active Travel Programme, being led by Dame Sarah Storey.


Mayor Jarvis joined the meeting via telephone to provide Members with further information regarding the SCR’s active travel activities and ambitions, noting how these are built on his mayoral manifesto promises and exemplified within the SCR Transport Strategy.


Mayor Jarvis commented on the importance of ‘integrated transport’ noting how active travel supports many other agendas.


Members were provided with an update on the delivery of the Mayor’s manifesto commitments to support active travel in the City Region and informed how the Transport Strategy’s ambition to grow the overall transport modal share for cycling and walking will be delivered by the Active Travel Implementation Plan.


Examples of the types of actions that will be contained within the Active Travel Programme were provided.


Members were provided with an explanation of the rationale and intended work of the proposed Active Travel Advisory Board.


The Mayor commented on the importance of the support and close co-operation of the Local Authorities in realising the ambition for active travel.


In discussion, Members sought the Mayor’s comments on a number of matters related to active travel including issues with pavement parking, the general public’s ability to readily inform activities, the importance of challenging targets and aspirations, best practise from elsewhere and the need for encouraging the building of facilities that are conducive to cycling such as showers and storage facilities in workplaces. It was suggested these would be good matters for consideration by the new SCR Transport Board.


It was acknowledged that much of the active travel commission’s work is South Yorkshire based but recognised cycling doesn’t stop at artificial district boundaries. It was therefore agreed it would be important to maintain discussions with neighbouring districts to support cross boundary initiatives and ideas.


Cllr Ennis commented on the important links between active travel and road safety, citing issues causes by inconsiderate road usage. Mayor Jarvis suggested this matter warranted further consideration and offered to respond to Cllr Ennis direct.



Cllr Richardson commented on similar issues potentially born of a lack of good road usage education. The Mayor agreed that education is important in terms of promoting both good cycling and good road usage by other transport mode users. It was noted this is a matter that has been picked up by Dame Sarah Storey.


The Chair sought an assurance that the Committee would be appropriately involved with the development of the Bus Review and Local Industrial Strategy. This assurance was provided by the Mayor and it was confirmed these matters would be regularly brought before the OSC.


It was noted arrangements would be put in place to provide OSC members with an enhanced role in support of the Bus Review.  Councillors Dale, Ennis and Furness registered their interest in being involved with this enhanced role. 


RESOLVED, that the Committee


1.    Notes the progress made in developing the active travel programme, and the appointed of a Commissioner and the active travel team.


2.    Endorse the creation of an Active Travel Advisory Board and the associated Terms of Reference.


3.    Agrees to the concept of a creation of a set of minimum standards for active travel infrastructure


4.    Councillors Dale, Ennis and Furness would be included in any reviews undertaken by the Mayor’s Advisory Panel. 


Date of next meeting: Thursday, 17 October 2019 at 1.00 pm at 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield, S1 2BQ.


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