The purpose of the Local Enterprise Partnership is:
· to originate economic policy, author and maintain a Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) for South Yorkshire and determine key funding priorities
· to support the South Yorkshire Mayor in developing the Local Industrial Strategy
· to ensure South Yorkshire bids for public funding made available by government for LEPs in support of economic growth
· to ensure South Yorkshire policy and decisions receive the input and views of key business leaders and take account of the views of the wider business community
· to engage with local businesses to understand the needs of different sectors and markets
· to engage business, opinion formers and policy makers at a national and international level in promoting economic growth in the region
The LEP Board meets on an eight-weekly cycle.
The meeting is not public however, papers for these meetings are published 5 clear working days prior to each meeting and draft minutes are published within 10 clear working days of the meeting taking place.
The final minutes of Board meetings are published within 10 clear working days of being approved.
Some papers may be withheld from publication. If this is the case, the agenda will indicate the appropriate exemption under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
We have an archive of papers for the LEP meetings which took place before 31 March 2019, please click on the Archive link in the navigation menu.