The purpose of the Housing and Infrastructure Board is to provide leadership, development of policy and the delivery of a programme of activity aligned to the priorities of the Strategic Economic Plan, the Recovery Action Plan and other approved strategies associated with housing and infrastructure.
The role of the Housing and Infrastructure Board is to:
· Shape future policy development and priorities on issues related to housing and infrastructure
· Develop new housing and infrastructure programmes
· Make investment decisions up to £2 million within the agreed budget and policy on housing or infrastructure, as delegated by the Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA)
· Accept grants with a value of less than £2 million
· Monitor programme delivery and performance on housing and infrastructure.
The meetings are not held in public, but members of the public can submit a question to the Housing and Infrastructure Boards. For more information click here.
Housing and Infrastructure Board’s Term of Reference can be found in the constitution.
The Housing and Infrastructure Board has taken over from the Housing Board and the Infrastructure Board on the 21 September 2020.