Issue - decisions

Adult Education Budget and Skills Programme Approvals

13/02/2024 - Adult Education Budget and Skills Programme Approvals

RESOLVED: that the Board:

1.             Approve the new, simplified three-year framework for procuring skills provision from independent training providers;

2.             Approve the end-of-year positions on the Adult Education Budget and Free Courses for Jobs (FCFJ) budget;

3.             Approve the implementation of DfE’s updated Adult Skills Fund rates and the proposed approach to Multiply allocations;

4.             Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Investment and Corporate Director of Growth, Business and Skills to use any unallocated Multiply grant funding to award further contracts, in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Skills; and,

5.             Note the award of grant funding accepted under officer delegations: £0.04m from Careers and Enterprise Company for expansion of Careers Hub Primary Pilot, and £3.00m from DfE for Skills Bootcamps Wave 5