Issue - decisions

LGF Investment Approval - Sheffield UTC Skills Capital Proposal

20/08/2019 - LGF Investment Approval - Sheffield UTC From Teenager to Employee

RESOLVED:  That the Board:


i)               Approve the progression of ‘From teenagers to employee – A Sheffield City Region, engineering and advanced manufacturing talent pipeline creator’ project to full approval and award up to £0.495m grant to Sheffield UTC Sheffield subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary Table attached at Appendix A and subject to the value for money calculation being re-run with the omission of adult learners and that safeguarding protocols are in place for adult learning only to take place atevenings and weekends with the majority of equipment time prioritised for learners aged 13-19.

ii)              Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service, in conjunction with the Section 73 and the Monitoring Officer, to enter into the contractual arrangements required as a result of the above approval.