Issue - decisions

Quarter 2 Capital and Revenue Monitoring Report

04/02/2021 - Quarter 2 Capital and Revenue Monitoring Report

A report was received to provide the Q2 position for the revenue and capital programme of the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA) for the financial year 2019/20.


It was noted the report was structured to provide Members with an early indication of the forecast outturn position in relation to South Yorkshire Transport Revenue budget, MCA / LEP Revenue budget, Revenue Programme activity and the South Yorkshire Transport Capital Programme, with each explained in detail.


Cllr Dore questioned the South Yorkshire Transport Revenue Budget information and reported decrease in concessionary patronage (not including young person concessionary pass usage), and requested more investigations be undertaken to establish why people don’t use buses.


Mayor Jones commented on the lack of quality of local buses and routes and challenged whether these are conducive to increasing public transport patronage.


RESOLVED, that the MCA notes the 2019/20 Q2 position for the Mayoral Combined Authority’s and LEPs revenue budget and capital programme.