Issue details

A61 Wakefield Road Barnsley Phase 1

A61 Wakefield Road Barnsley Phase 1: To seek approval to pay a fee of £150,000 for the oversight of the public highway works associated with the A61 Phase 1 Scheme in accordance with the Section 278 agreement.

The section of the A61 subject to the current highway improvement works is to be an adopted public highway.

SYMCA are required to enter into a Section 278 agreement with BMBC for the highway to be adopted upon completion of the works. Failure to have the highway adopted would lead to SYMCA being responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the road after construction.

To ensure the works are completed to adoptable standard BMBC is to inspect the works as they progress. In accordance with the Section 278 agreement BMBC has indicated the initial estimated value of the supervision is £150,000. Costs are charged based on actual time committed to the works.

BMBC normally charge 8% of the construction cost for providing the full service, which would amount to approximately £750,000. BMBC have agreed to restrict this fee to £150,000 based on the fact that we are delivering a highway scheme with our combined authority partners for the benefit of the people of Barnsley.

An allowance of £150,000 has been made in the cost plan, so no additional funding will be required at this stage.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/03/2024

Decision due: 19 Mar 2024 by Executive Director of Transport

Contact: Melanie Corcoran, Executive Director of Transport Email:
