Issue details

Progression of AEB Innovation Fund Application “Low Carbon” project to full approval and award of £200k to Barnsley College.

On the 5th June 2023 the MCA Board delegated authority to approve future individual innovation fund projects to the Head of Paid Service (or delegate) in consultation with the Chair of the Education, Skills and Employability Board, subject to the following principles:
• Each application limited to a maximum of £200,000 per application and minimum of £50,000
• Maximum of two applications per provider per year
• Proposals must have strong strategic alignment to, first and foremost, economic growth and thereafter to SYMCA’s ten AEB targets
• Proposals must have sensitivity to geographical distribution of funding
• Proposals must make clear why the activity cannot be supported from within existing AEB allocations
• Proposals must not duplicate or negatively affect other provision available in South Yorkshire
• Consideration must be given to the wider financial position and the need to balance investment in new provision with the extent of existing provision.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/05/2024

Decision due: 17 May 2024 by Section 73 Officer

Contact: Gareth Sutton, Executive Director of Resources & Investment Email:
