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Audit, Standards and Risk Committee
Business Advisory Board
Enhanced Partnership Board
Local Enterprise Partnership
Mayor's Economic Advisory Council
Mayoral Combined Authority Board
MCA - Business Recovery and Growth Board
MCA - Education, Skills and Employability Board
MCA - Housing and Infrastructure Board
MCA - Transport and the Environment Board
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Overview and Scrutiny Committee
SCR - Business Growth Board
SCR - Housing Board
SCR - Infrastructure Board
SCR - Skills & Employment Board
SCR - Transport Board
Sheffield City Region Information and Guides
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Personal and Prejudicial
Allen, Councillor Sarah Allen
Auckland, Councillor Ian Auckland
Bacon, Councillor Joshua Bacon
Baggaley, Councillor Jamie Baggaley
Barker, Councillor David Barker
Barker, Councillor Nigel Barker
Baum-Dixon, Councillor Tim Baum-Dixon
Belbin, Councillor Fran Belbin
Blackham, Councillor Joe Blackham
Butcher, Councillor Bob Butcher
Castledine-Dack, Councillor Sophie Castledine-Dack
Clark, Councillor Maggi Clark
Clarke, Councillor John Clarke
Clement-Jones, Councillor Simon Clement-Jones
Coppard, Mayor Oliver Coppard
Ennis, Councillor Jeff Ennis OBE
Fritchley, Councillor Steve Fritchley
Frost, Councillor Robert Frost
Gilby, Councillor Tricia Gilby
Gilligan, Councillor Christine Gilligan Kubo
Healy, Councillor John Healy
Houghton, Councillor Sir Steve Houghton CBE
Huggan, Councillor Tim Huggan
Hunt, Councillor Steve Hunt
Hunt, Councillor Tom Hunt
Hunter, Councillor Lee Hunter
Johnson, Councillor Douglas Johnson
Jones, Councillor Glyn Jones
Jones, Mayor Ros Jones CBE
Kearsley, Councillor Jake Kearsley
Kerry, Councillor Pat Kerry
Kidd, Councillor Jane Kidd
Kitching, Councillor Hannah Kitching
Leigh, Councillor Julie Leigh
Levery, Councillor Mike Levery
Lofts, Councillor Phillip Lofts
Makinson, Councillor Caroline Makinson
Marshall, Councillor Lynda Marshall
McClean, Councillor Laura McClean
McGregor, Councillor Duncan McGregor
McKiernan, Councillor Cameron McKiernan
Miskell, Councillor Ben Miskell
Moynahan, Councillor Laura Moynahan
Murray, Councillor Paul Murray
Naish, Councillor James Naish
Naz, Councillor Zahira Naz
Nevett, Councillor David Nevett
Otten, Councillor Joe Otten
O’Donoghue, Councillor Martin O’Donoghue
Pearson, Councillor Ian Pearson
Read, Councillor Chris Read
Richards, Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards
Richardson, Councillor Ken Richardson
Ripton, Councillor Simon Ripton
Robinson, Councillor Andrea Robinson
Serjeant, Councillor Amanda Serjeant
Sheppard, Councillor David Sheppard
Slack, Councillor Peter Slack
Slater, Councillor Jonathan Slater
Steele, Councillor Brian Steele
Stowe, Councillor Mick Stowe
Taylor, Councillor Robert Taylor
White, Councillor Austen White
White, Councillor Jo White
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period