Louisa Harrison-Walker

Profile image for Louisa Harrison-Walker

Title: Private Sector Member

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 01/01/2023 - 31/07/2023
  • 14/11/2023 - 13/11/2025

Additional Information

Louisa is the Chief Executive of The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, an established entrepreneur with 20 years' experience working in the employment and skills arena in Sheffield.  Founded Benchmark an ethical recruitment firm in 2006 which she exited via MBO in 2022.


Additional roles include Chair of Sheffield Business Together a consortium of private sector organisations harnessing their resources to tackle key social issues and support voluntary and charitable organisations in the City supported by BITC, a trustee at St Lukes Hospice and a member of the Higher Education Partnership (HEP) Board which is a collaboration between the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University to improve educational attainments in the most deprived and structurally disadvantaged parts of Sheffield. Louisa is also on the Sheffield City Partnership Board chaired by Lord Blunkett.


Louisa is representing the three South Yorkshire Chambers ( Barnsley & Rotherham, Doncaster and Sheffield) on the BAB. Chambers exist to support organisations of all shapes and sizes across all sectors to start, run and grow. Working collaboratively with local authorities, the mayoral combined authority and the BCC network to lobby on behalf of business to improve the ecosystem here in South Yorkshire.