Paula Gouldthorpe

Title: Private Sector Member

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 14/11/2023 - 13/11/2025

Additional Information

Paula is a Development Manager for the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).   Representing, supporting and advocating on behalf of the small and medium sized business community across South Yorkshire, East Yorkshire and the Humber. 


The FSB exists to protect and promote the interests of small businesses and the self-employed, representing the self-employed and small and medium sized businesses across all sectors.  In addition to offering its members a range of services to support, protect or grow, the FSB work to ensure National and Local Government, MPs and key stakeholders hear and listen to the small business viewpoint, insights and aspirations.  The FSB represent small businesses through policy recommendations, roundtables, and across media channels. It is non-profit making and non-party political.  


Paula previously worked at the University of Hull, leading on entrepreneurship across the campus and supporting startup businesses and managing the Universities incubator.  Paula has a career history in partnership development, marketing and communications, environment and renewables industries and has represented on various regeneration, innovation, skills boards and community development boards. Outside her FSB role Paula is a Non-Executive Director of Ongo Housing; and is a self-employed leadership coach and mindfulness teacher.