Venue: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted as above. |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor made a statement on the news regarding the announcement by Peel that they were going to undertake a strategic review of Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA). The Mayor stated that the region needed a thriving commercial, private sector led airport and Partners together with national, regional, and local government would need to work together to secure the airports future. Members noted that a working group had been set up to examine the options to allow DSA to continue to operate as an airport with their first meeting being held that afternoon. The Mayor outlined ways in which the Mayoral Combined Authority had helped DSA since 2017 and added that he hoped the Government would engage fully.
The Mayor congratulated Cllr Read and Rotherham MBC on their award as ‘Most Improved’ council at the Local Government Chronicle awards.
The Mayor gave his thanks to the emergency service workers who had been working under difficult circumstances across the region over the last few days due to the unprecedented heatwave. |
Urgent Items To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press. (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.) Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Voting Rights for Non-constituent Members To identify whether there are any items of business that apply only to the South Yorkshire Members of the Mayoral Combined Authority, ie, where it would not be appropriate for non-SY Members to have voting rights. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Fox declared an interest in project approvals relating to Sheffield under item 18.
Cllr Houghton declared an interest in project approvals relating to Barnsley under item 18.
Cllr Jones declared an interest in project approvals relating to Doncaster under item 18.
Cllr Read declared an interest in project approvals relating to Rotherham under item 18. |
Reports from and questions by members Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Receipt of Petitions Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Public Questions Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 June 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 06 June 2022 be agreed to be a true and accurate record. |
Financial Outturn 2021/22 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Financial and S73 Officer introduced this item detailing the MCA’s financial performance over financial year 2021/22. The report noted some of the significant achievements of the authority and its partners over the past year, as well as some of the financial implications that may affect the current year. The report sought approval for the carry-forward of resource into the new financial year to fund slipped activity and several adjustments to reserves.
RESOLVED that members:
2022/23 Budget Revision 1 Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Financial and S73 Officer introduced this item which provided revised Group budget forecasts to the end of the financial year 2022/23. The revision was noted as was mainly due to slippage from the previous financial year and pressures in the supply markets with increasing costs and issues with recruitment within the industry.
RESOLVED that the MCA Board:
Budget and Business Plan Development 2023/24 Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Financial and S73 Officer introduced this item that outlined the process for developing the budget and supporting business plan for the new financial year. The report noted the challenging environment in which this process was taking place, the policy decisions that would drive the financial strategy, and the need for engagement with partners.
Members noted the challenges that would be faced by the local transport authority. This would require work to adjust to a commercially viable network, delivering the bus franchising assessment and the winddown of the current reserve strategy. Conversations between the finance officers within the constituent local authorities and the MCA had already begun.
Cllr Houghton asked the Chief Financial and S73 Officer about the two-year settlement payment given by DLUHC to local authorities and whether this would be available to the MCA. It was noted that the MCA did not receive this payment in the same way that Local Authorities did. It was agreed that the MCA would write to national Government about this issue.
ACTION: A letter to be written from the MCA to national Government regarding 2 year settlements.
RESOLVED that members note the:
Brownfield Housing Fund Additional documents: Minutes: The Procurement Contracts & Programme Controls Programme Manager presented this item. This paper set out the current position of the BHF programme and proposed further actions to seek to ensure delivery of programme outputs, including undertaking an Open Call for new brownfield housing schemes.
Members noted that to date the MCA had allocated a spend of £17.6 million against a profiled spend of £20 million for the first two years of the BHF, and that there was a remaining £35 million to spend by 2025. Members also noted the significant challenge in delivering to the BHF timeframe.
Cllr Fox welcomed the report but noted his concern at the capacity issues being faced and the difficulty in delivering targets.
RESOLVED that the board:
Tram - Future Operating Model Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate Director of Public Transport introduced this report which sought to advise the MCA Board of the progress on the future Tram Operating model post March 2024.
Members noted that specialist procurement, legal and commercial advisors would be engaged from August 2022.
Cllr Fox requested that sufficient time be made to allow for a detailed and in-depth discussion on the issues.
RESOLVED that the Board note progress on the future Tram Operating Model and the requirement for associated specialist support, to be funded in line with the 2022-23 revised budget and within the Scheme of Delegation. |
South Yorkshire Bus Network - Approval of Funding for SYMCA Tendered Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Corporate Director of Public Transport introduced this report which sought approval to use the tendered services budget to mitigate against reductions in bus services as a result of commercial operator decisions.
The report further recommended that the MCA Board agreed the decision to allocate additional funding to support provision of non-statutory school transport to meet the needs of students and pupils for the academic year from September 2022 to July 2023.
Members noted that a consultation exercise was to start shortly in respect of the public’s priorities for bus services within the available budgets.
Members agreed that it was vital that the MCA and Local Authorities continue to lobby the national Government to fund bus services. The Mayor noted that when he began his term there were 400 weeks before the target set by Government to achieve a London-style transport system outside of the capital. He felt that the Government was not a partner in achieving this as it had not engaged with the MCA.
RESOLVED that the Board:
Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive introduced this report which set out the proposed approach the MCA will take in the submission of an LEP / MCA Integration Plan as well as noting the intention to strengthen the way the MCA works with the private sector.
Members noted that that the submission of the integration plan to meet Government requirement does not limit the scope of the Mayor or MCA to look at improved working arrangements with the private sector in the future.
ACTION: Draft Implementation Plan to be circulated on the 26th July to Leaders and Chief Executives for their comments.
The Board discussed the role of the private sector on the issues surrounding DSA. The LEP Chair informed members that there was to be a discussion on this issue with private sector members that afternoon and that the sector was very supportive of the work being undertaken to support DSA to continue as an operational passenger and freight airport. RESOLVED that the Board:
Programme Approvals Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Finance and S73 Officer introduced this item to the Board. The paper requested progression of three capital funded schemes subject to conditions to be set out in the Assurance Summaries and approval for the allocation for the Adult Education Budget (AEB) for the 2022/23 academic year.
RESOLVED that the Board approved:
Annual Governance Statement Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive introduced this item that reported on the findings of the 2021/22 Annual Governance Review and presented the draft Annual Governance Statement which included the Governance Improvement Plan for the 2022/23 financial year.
Members noted that the Internal Audit Assessment was awarded as “significant assurance with some improvement required”, and that all outstanding actions but one had been completed. The dissolution of SYPTE, had been delayed due to government timetables and would be completed this year.
The committee noted that the four key areas that the MCA would be working on would include: 1. Openness and Stakeholder Engagement 2. Outcomes and Benefits 3. Capacity development 4. Risk Management and Performance
RESOLVED that members approve the draft Annual Governance Statement and Governance Improvement Plan as recommended by the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee. |
Code of Corporate Governance Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive introduced this paper which presented a Code of Corporate Governance for the integrated organisation. Members noted that this was done on a yearly basis and the code was updated with any changes made.
RESOLVED that members approve the Code of Corporate Governance (appendix A) as recommended by the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee. |
Risk Management Framework Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive introduced this paper which presented a draft Risk Management Framework and summarised the activity undertaken to develop and implement the Framework as requested as part of the Governance Improvement Plan 21/22.
Members noted that the framework had been developed by an expert in line with ISO and Orange Book standards. The MCA’s role in accountability for risk was made clearer and had the following proposals:
RESOLVED that members approve the draft Risk Management Framework as recommended by the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee. |
Audit, Standards and Risk Committee Annual Report 2021/22 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive introduced this paper on behalf of the ASRC Chair. The ASRC Annual Report summarised the work of the Committee during 2021/22, demonstrating how it had fulfilled its terms of reference and provided assurance to the Authority on its governance arrangements, risk management arrangements and the internal control environment.
RESOLVED that members consider the Annual Report and the action plan to address the findings of the Committee Effectiveness Survey.
UK Shared Prosperity Fund Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Corporate Policy introduced this report and summarised the progress of submitting the MCA’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan to Government in advance of the 1 August deadline.
ACTION: Draft UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan to be shared with Members.
Members discussed the fact that South Yorkshire is receiving less than it would have otherwise expected and agreed that a letter would be written to Government to highlight the disparity. The Mayor agreed.
ACTION: A letter from SY Leaders and the Mayor to be sent to Government on the disappointing funding for SY from the UKPF.
RESOLVED that members note the summary of progress made in developing the UKSPF Investment Plan and agreed to delegate approval for sign off and submission by the MCA statutory officers, subject to consultation with the Mayor, and Leaders of the Local Authorities. |
Delegated Authority Report Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced this report which updated the MCA Board on decisions and delegations made by the MCA, Thematic Boards and by the Officer Scheme of Delegation.
RESOLVED that members note the decisions and delegations made. |