Venue: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Additional documents: |
Announcements Additional documents: |
Urgent Items To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated. Additional documents: |
Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press. (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.) Additional documents: |
Voting Rights for Non-constituent Members To identify whether there are any items of business that apply only to the South Yorkshire Members of the Mayoral Combined Authority, ie, where it would not be appropriate for non-SY Members to have voting rights. Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda. Additional documents: |
Reports from and questions by members Additional documents: |
Receipt of Petitions Additional documents: |
Public Questions Additional documents: |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 172 KB Additional documents: |
Additional documents: Minutes: This report provided the revised Group budget forecasts to the end of the financial year 2022/23.
RESOLVED that the MCA Board: 1. Adopted the revised budget estimates; and, 2. Approved the disbursement of Additional Restrictions Grant New Burdens to the local authorities.
2023-24 Budget and Business Planning Development & Transport Levy Update PDF 517 KB Additional documents: Minutes: This report provided an update on the budget and business planning processes for the forthcoming financial year. Following engagement with the South Yorkshire Leaders and Mayor, the report recommended the approval of the proposal to increase the transport levy by 2% and noted the intention not to seek a Mayoral Precept for the coming financial year.
Cllr Read commented that the proposal to increase the transport levy during difficult times for councils represents how important an issue transport is for members and the motivation to improve it for the people of South Yorkshire. The Mayor echoed these comments.
RESOLVED that the MCA Board: 1. Approved the South Yorkshire Transport Levy for financial year 2023/24; 2. Approved the proposal to not set a Mayoral Precept for financial year 2023/24; 3. Noted the likely loss of Government revenue grant streams and the proposed mitigation.
Programme Approvals PDF 616 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: This paper requested the progression of two capital schemes (subject to conditions set out in the Assurance Summaries) and the release of development funding for a further two schemes. The report sought further approval for a number of change requests and proposed the granting of flexibilities to the five authorities to allow them to better manage inflationary pressures in a timely manner.
RESOLVED that the MCA Board considered and approved: 1. The progression of ‘Broom Road’ Full Business Case to full approval and award of £3.6m grant to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1. 2. The progression of the ‘National Centre for Child Health Technology’ to full approval and award of £6m to theSheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 2. 3. The progression of ‘Barnsley Active Travel Hub’ from Outline Business Case (OBC) to Full Business Case and release of development costs of £0.24m to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in the Assurance Summary attached at Appendix 3. 4. The progression of ‘Meadowhall Mobility Hub’ from Strategic Business Case (SBC) to OBC and release of development cost funding of £0.26m to South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary attached at Appendix 4. 5. Transforming Cities Fund flexibility as set out in para 1.9. 6. 6 Change Requests set out in 1.8 and Appendix 5. 7. Delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes covered above.
Draft South Yorkshire Housing Framework PDF 343 KB Additional documents: Minutes: This paper sought the Board’s approval of the Final Draft South Yorkshire Housing Framework. The Mayor noted how proud of this framework he was and offered it his full support and approval.
RESOLVED that the Board: 1. Considered and approved the final draft South Yorkshire Housing Framework; and Delegated authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Housing and Infrastructure Board Co-Chairs to sign off the final designed document. |
Appointment of SYPTE Director General PDF 574 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Notwithstanding that the SYPTE will be legally dissolved on 31st March 2023, however the MCA was still required to appoint a Director General to ensure legal compliance and the good governance of the SYPTE until this date.
As the previous post holder left the role on 31st December 2022, this report recommended a new Director General until the PTE’s dissolution. MCA Chief Executive noted that written permission was sought from members in December so there was no gap prior to formal approval at this meeting.
RESOLVED that the MCA Board approve the appointment of the Executive Director Infrastructure & Place, John Dowie as Director General of SYPTE until its formal dissolution. |
Appointment of Executive Director PDF 484 KB Additional documents: Minutes: This report is sought approval to appoint Clare Monaghan as Executive Director of Policy and Strategic Development following an MCA appointment panel interview on December 22nd 2022.
RESOLVED that the Board:
1. Approved the appointment of Clare Monaghan. 2. Delegated authority to the MCA Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service to make the necessary arrangements for the appointment.
Additional documents: Minutes: This report asked Board to approve the recommendation to appoint Richard Stubbs as Local Enterprise Partnership Chair, during the period of the Government and MCA-led reviews.
RESOLVED that the Board:
1. Agreed the appointment of Richard Stubbs as Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership. 2. Thanked Lucy Nickson, for her dedication and hard work since joining the LEP and for her service as LEP Chair over the past year.
Delegated Authority Report PDF 215 KB Additional documents: |