Agenda, decisions and minutes

Mayoral Combined Authority Board - Tuesday, 14th November, 2023 1.00 pm

Venue: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ


No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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The Chair, welcomed attendees to the meeting and apologies were noted as above.



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The Mayor noted the Government’s plans to cancel the Western Leg of HS2 and to launch a new “Network North” programme in its place.


He expressed his disappointment at the decision, but welcomed the opportunity to engage with the Government on how ‘Network North’ would operate.   


Urgent Items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated.

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Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.  (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.)

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Voting Rights for Non-constituent Members

To identify whether there are any items of business that apply only to the South Yorkshire Members of the Mayoral Combined Authority, ie, where it would not be appropriate for non-SY Members to have voting rights.

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Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda

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Reports from and questions by members

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Receipt of Petitions

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Public Questions

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Minutes of the meeting held on 12 September pdf icon PDF 274 KB

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2023 be agreed as a true and accurate record


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2023 be agreed as a true and accurate record


Business Advisory Board Appointments pdf icon PDF 115 KB

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RESOLVED that the Board:

1)    Approve the following appointees to the Business Advisory Board:

a)    Sherry Kothari (Plasma-4)

b)    Tariq Shah (Vigo Group)

c)    Roz Davies (Green Estate)

d)    David Cross (Sky-House)

e)    Richard Gould (Metlase)

f)      Ken Perritt (GXO Logistics)

Support the intention to further broaden business representation on the Board by inviting a representative member of the CBI (Yorkshire and Humber) onto the Business Advisory Board.


The Board received a report seeking appointments to the Business Advisory Board.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1)    Approve the following appointees to the Business Advisory Board:

a)    Sherry Kothari (Plasma-4)

b)    Tariq Shah (Vigo Group)

c)    Roz Davies (Green Estate)

d)    David Cross (Sky-House)

e)    Richard Gould (Metlase)

f)      Ken Perritt (GXO Logistics)

Support the intention to further broaden business representation on the Board by inviting a representative member of the CBI (Yorkshire and Humber) onto the Business Advisory Board.


Transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner Functions - Consent to Order pdf icon PDF 180 KB

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RESOLVED that the Board:-

1.           Formally endorse the proposals to transfer the Police and Crime Commissioner functions to the Mayor with effect from May 2024 and to the reduction in the present mayoral term to align with the PCC election cycle of May 2024; and

2.           Agree for the Head of Paid Service to consent on behalf of the MCA to the order required to facilitate the transfer of PCC functions to the Mayor.


The Board received a report seeking explicit consent to the laying of a parliamentary order that will affect that transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner functions to the Mayor.


It was noted that a draft of the formal order had been received from Government for comment, and consent was currently being sought through each Local Authority’s decision-making structures.


The order called for the transfer of powers from 8th May 2024, and was expected to be laid in Parliament on 7th December.


RESOLVED that the Board:-

1.           Formally endorse the proposals to transfer the Police and Crime Commissioner functions to the Mayor with effect from May 2024 and to the reduction in the present mayoral term to align with the PCC election cycle of May 2024; and

Agree for the Head of Paid Service to consent on behalf of the MCA to the order required to facilitate the transfer of PCC functions to the Mayor.


Economic Update

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The Board received a verbal Economic Update presentation. It noted that nationally:

  • There had been neither economic growth nor decline in Q3,
  • Surveying had shown that business confidence had been falling in recent months, but that the average in South Yorkshire was slightly higher,
  • Businesses were beginning to see the impact of loans taken during Covid which were now impacting their growth,
  • There had been a reduction of 4% in business investment,
  • There had been a reduction in permanent employment appointments in favour of temporary appointments. 


Specifically in South Yorkshire, it was noted that:

  • There were high concentrations of tradeable jobs across the region, that is, jobs which produce goods and services which can be traded outside of the region. It was noted that better supply chains could spread these roles more evenly across the region.


The Board noted the importance of the South Yorkshire Investment Zone to bringing the public and private sectors together to generate investment in the region.


RESOLVED to note the update.


Storm Babet Flood Impacts and Joint Regional Response pdf icon PDF 170 KB

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RESOLVED that The Board:

1.    Note the detailed impact of Storm Babet on communities within South Yorkshire.

2.    Welcome the Mayor’s letter to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of the MCA Board ,to request further funding support to accelerate the delivery of flood defences, flood mitigation and resilience schemes across South Yorkshire.

3.    Note that the Mayor has also requested a round table with the SoS to press the need for action to address the above matters.


The Board received a report on the impacts of the recent Storm Babet.


It noted that during the storm over 240 properties in South Yorkshire had been flooded, and local transport networks had also been impacted.


The report highlighted existing partnership working to reduce flood risk as well as the need to secure additional funding from Government to accelerate and deliver capital flood alleviation schemes across South Yorkshire.


The Mayor had written to the Secretary of State to seek further funding and engagement from Government to prevent future flooding in the region.


The Board expressed their sincere sympathies with the communities affected by flooding. They recognised that this issue would only continue to worsen if action was not taken, and that at present there was a significant funding gap in South Yorkshire.


The Board also noted lack of advanced warning from the Environment Agency in flooding situations, the lack of a catchment system for flood support, and the additional risk of flooding created by moorland burning.


The Mayor suggested that the Board consider an update on flooding in 6 months’ time.


RESOLVED that The Board:

1.    Note the detailed impact of Storm Babet on communities within South Yorkshire.

2.    Welcome the Mayor’s letter to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of the MCA Board ,to request further funding support to accelerate the delivery of flood defences, flood mitigation and resilience schemes across South Yorkshire.

3.    Note that the Mayor has also requested a round table with the SoS to press the need for action to address the above matters.


Devolution pdf icon PDF 122 KB

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RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Note the potential for further devolution and Government’s intention to extend trailblazer powers to other MCAs.

2.    Support proactive engagement with Government in the coming months.

3.    Note that any decision to complete a formal devolution process will require the consent of each Constituent Council.


The Board received a report on a future devolution deal for South Yorkshire. It was anticipated that in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, MCAs would be invited to work towards new devolution deals.


However, it was noted that at present new devolved powers were likely to be limited, and the report therefore sought approval of some guiding principles which would underpin work towards further devolution in South Yorkshire.


The Mayor stated his hope that future devolution would not lead to a multi-teared system of Combined Authorities, and that all settlements should include business rate retention and single settlements.


It was noted that under previous devolution consultations, the public had been overwhelmingly in support of local leaders having more power.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Note the potential for further devolution and Government’s intention to extend trailblazer powers to other MCAs.

2.    Support proactive engagement with Government in the coming months.

Note that any decision to complete a formal devolution process will require the consent of each Constituent Council.


Submission of the Mass Transit Outline Business Case (OBC) to DfT pdf icon PDF 209 KB

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RESOLVED that the Board approve the following:

1.      Delegate authority to the MCA’s Acting Executive Director of Transport and the Section 73 Officer (Executive Director Resources and Investment), in consultation with the MCA Chief Executive and the Mayor of South Yorkshire, to submit the completed tram asset renewal (Mass Transit) OBC to the DfT upon conclusion of the final review stages (estimated January 2024).

2.      To engage with Local Authority Transport Officers in the detailed review of the Mass Transit OBC to support the finalisation of documentation, ahead of submission to DfT by the January 2024 target date.


The Board received a report on the tram asset renewal Outline Business Case (also referred to as the Mass Transit OBC) for submission to the Department for Transport (DfT).


The report highlighted that there would be engagement with Local Authority Transport Officers in drafting the business case ahead of submission in early 2024.


The purpose of the business case was to release £100m of City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) funding already allocated to the renewal of tram network assets, as well as a request for release of further funding relating to the full cost of tram asset renewal.


The Board welcomed this work and alongside it ongoing work towards Tram Vision for the future.


RESOLVED that the Board approve the following:

1.      Delegate authority to the MCA’s Acting Executive Director of Transport and the Section 73 Officer (Executive Director Resources and Investment), in consultation with the MCA Chief Executive and the Mayor of South Yorkshire, to submit the completed tram asset renewal (Mass Transit) OBC to the DfT upon conclusion of the final review stages (estimated January 2024).

2.      To engage with Local Authority Transport Officers in the detailed review of the Mass Transit OBC to support the finalisation of documentation, ahead of submission to DfT by the January 2024 target date.


Statement of Common Ground pdf icon PDF 160 KB

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RESOLVED the Board:

Endorse the updated Joint Regional Statement of Common Ground and agree to be a signatory.


The Board received a report on a Joint Regional Statement of Common Ground, which noted that Local Authorities preparing local plans are under a statutory “Duty to Cooperate” with other relevant bodies to encourage and enable strategic planning across local authority boundaries.


The Statement was progressing for approval at all 9 Local Planning Authorities: Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, Sheffield, Bassetlaw, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire Dales, and NE Derbyshire.


RESOLVED the Board is asked to:

Endorse the updated Joint Regional Statement of Common Ground and agree to be a signatory.


Brownfield Housing Fund Open Call pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Agree to a rolling open call process to ensure the development of a robust pipeline of brownfield sites for both the current programme and any future housing funded programme.

2.    Allow additional pipeline projects onto the current programme following the MCA Assurance Process, with initial schemes being:

·       Canon Brewery Phase 2

·       The Hive

·       Laurel Works

·       Rotherham Priority Sites

·       Newstead Older Persons Independent Living


The Board received a report seeking approval to carry out a further Open Call for Brownfield Housing schemes which will remain open.


Mayor Jones introduced the item and noted that the Brownfield Housing Programme was delivering well so far, but that £70m remained available, and must be spent by March 2025.


Therefore, approval was sought to proceed to a rolling open call for Brownfield Housing schemes. It was noted that dialogue with Local Authorities, Housing Associations and private developers was ongoing, and that any further interest was encouraged.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Agree to a rolling open call process to ensure the development of a robust pipeline of brownfield sites for both the current programme and any future housing funded programme.

2.    Allow additional pipeline projects onto the current programme following the MCA Assurance Process, with initial schemes being:

·       Canon Brewery Phase 2

·       The Hive

·       Laurel Works

·       Rotherham Priority Sites

Newstead Older Persons Independent Living


Finance Update Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 266 KB

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RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Approve the revised budget estimates;

2.    Approve the set aside of windfall treasury management income to meet the costs of the May 2024 election and Office for Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) integration and additional MCA Officer capacity;

3.    Approve the set aside of £4m of forecast windfall treasury management income to the Capacity and Capability Reserve;

4.    Note the potential for up to £4m further treasury management income available for investment into MCA priorities;

5.    Approve the Programme Approvals report recommendations set out in Appendix iii; and,

Delegate authority to the statutory officers to make arrangements for the disposal by sale or lease of the Ashes Building site in the most efficient and effective manner possible.


The Board received a report which:

1.    Provided an update on the Authority’s budget position after first 6 months of the year,

2.    Sought award of funding to the Sheffield Fargate Future High Streets Scheme,

3.    Sought approval of the disposal of land and buildings at Sheffield Halfway.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Approve the revised budget estimates;

2.    Approve the set aside of windfall treasury management income to meet the costs of the May 2024 election and Office for Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) integration and additional MCA Officer capacity;

3.    Approve the set aside of £4m of forecast windfall treasury management income to the Capacity and Capability Reserve;

4.    Note the potential for up to £4m further treasury management income available for investment into MCA priorities;

5.    Approve the Programme Approvals report recommendations set out in Appendix iii; and,

Delegate authority to the statutory officers to make arrangements for the disposal by sale or lease of the Ashes Building site in the most efficient and effective manner possible.


Statutory Accounts 21/22 pdf icon PDF 153 KB

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RESOLVED that the Board:

Approve the Annual Statement of Accounts for both the MCA and SYPTE.


The Board received the Statutory Accounts for the financial year 2021/22, which included an unqualified opinion on both the MCA and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) accounts, and found no matters for concern regarding value for money.


RESOLVED that the Board:

Approve the Annual Statement of Accounts for both the MCA and SYPTE.


Delegated Authority Report pdf icon PDF 53 KB

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RESOLVED that the decisions and delegations made under delegated authority up to November be noted.


The Board was provided with details of decisions and delegations made by under the Officer Scheme of Delegation since the previous meeting.


RESOLVED that the decisions and delegations made under delegated authority up to November be noted.